
Allow mirage to use MSW (Mock Service Worker) as the interceptor
msw prototype server testing


Experimental MirageJS interceptor using MSW.



Pick one depending on your package manager. Mirage 0.2.0-alpha.1+ and MSW 2.0.0+ are peer dependencies.

npm i --save-dev mirage-msw mirage@^0.2.0-alpha.1 msw@^2
pnpm i --save-dev mirage-msw mirage@^0.2.0-alpha.1 msw@^2
yarn add --dev mirage-msw mirage@^0.2.0-alpha.1 msw@^2

Be sure to run msw init as well, if you haven't previously.


Wherever you are creating your miragejs server, set the interceptor:

import MSWInterceptor from 'mirage-msw';
import { createServer } from 'miragejs';

await createServer({
  interceptor: new MSWInterceptor(),
  // ... rest of your config

This will cause msw to be used instead of the default interceptor, pretender.


This is very early, experimental software. There are probably a lot of bugs, so if you find one, please report it.

Here are the known issues so far:

  • MSW starts up asynchronously, whereas Mirage up to now has always been completely synchronous. We will probably need to make a breaking change to Mirage to make createServer an async function. (Added in mirage 0.2.0-alpha.1)
  • Currently no support for FormData requests.
  • Only works in the browser, same as pretender. But MSW does have an option for node.js, so we may be able to support that in the future. (https://github.com/miragejs/mirage-msw/issues/17)
npm i mirage-msw


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Brian Gantzler
  • released 6/19/2024
