
Simple logging utility


Branch Status
next CI Workflow
main CI Workflow

The monorepo is installed using yarn, and relies on yarn workspaces.

📦 Release process

Review and merge PRs into default next branch.

You can trigger a beta release of the packages from the changes on the next branch.

When the state of the next branch is ready to become a production release, merge next into main. After pushing to the main branch monodeploy creates a stable release of the packages with release notes auto-generated from the commit messages.

Commits with the fix type trigger a patch version release, commits with feat type a minor version release and commits with breaking changes a major version release.

# ensure the main and development branches are both up to date
git checkout next
git pull
git checkout main
git pull

# merge the stable next snapshot
git merge --ff-only next

# push the main branch to shared respository
git push main
npm i mini-console-logger


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 1/30/2022

