
Keyboard and gamepad input
game input keyboard gamepad joystick controller


Micro Game Library : Input (keyboard and gamepads)


  • Avoid naïve input prioritization with grouping (only the last active command in a group is considered active)
  • The input can be attached and detached from any dom element at any time
  • Built with customizable control settings in mind
  • Several instances can run at the same time on a given web page
  • Support for the Gamepad API
  • Universal down, press and up states

Basic example

Instantiation of the input handler and description of the control scheme.
We bind the directional keys as well as the traditional WASD keys, the first gamepad d-pad and first stick
to our UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT commands

var Input = require('migl-input');

var input = new Input({
    UP: {
        triggers: ['<up>', 'W', '<pad1-button13>', '<pad1-axis2-negative>'],
        group: 'verticalAxis'
    DOWN: {
        triggers: ['<down>', 'S', '<pad1-button14>', '<pad1-axis2-positive>'],
        group: 'verticalAxis'
    LEFT: {
        triggers: ['<left>', 'A', '<pad1-button15>', '<pad1-axis1-negative>'],
        group: 'horizontalAxis'
    RIGHT: {
        triggers: ['<right>', 'D', '<pad1-button16>', '<pad1-axis1-positive>'],
        group: 'horizontalAxis'

input.attach(); // attached to the body

Code handling the user input in the game loop


if (input.commands.LEFT.active) {
} else if (input.commands.RIGHT.active) {

if (input.commands.UP.active) {
} else if (input.commands.DOWN.active) {

More information

Key codes

This library relies on the vkey module to map keyboard's codes to human readable names.

Check the module's repository for more information.

For the gamepads :

  • <padX-buttonY>
  • <padX-axisY>
  • <padX-axisY-negative>
  • <padX-axisY-positive>

Where X is the pad's number (starting from 1) and Y the button's or axis' number (starting from 1).

Attaching and detaching

The methods attach(domElement) and detach(domElement) are exposed by the library.

They take a domElement to be attached to or detached from, if none is given the methods are executed against the body of the document.

input.attach(); // implicitly attached to the body
input.detach(document.body); // explicitly detached from the body

Down, press and up states

Complex actions in games (such as charged shots, double jumps, etc.) may require more fine-grained states. Thus the availability of the down, press and up states.

  • Down is true when a trigger associated with the command is pressed down none are yet active.
  • Press is true as long as one of the trigger associated with the command is active.
  • Up is true when all the triggers associated with the command are released and some of them were previously active.
var Input = require('migl-input');

var input = new Input({
    UP: {
        triggers: ['W', '<pad1-button13>', '<pad1-axis2-negative>']

input.attach(); // attached to the body

// in the game loop


console.log('down', input.commands.UP.down, 'press', input.commands.UP.press, 'up', input.commands.UP.up);

The press state is similar to the active state, except it isn't affected by the grouping (see below).


Example of a naïve input handling :

if(keyLeftPressed) {
} else if(keyRightPressed) {

The issue with such code is that the left key will always have the priority over the right key, making movements imprecise and unresponsive when the player quickly changes from left to right. A more correct way to handle input would be to prioritize the last input.

The library allows this with its concept of commands grouping.

var input = new Input({
    left : { triggers : ['<left>'], group : 'horizontalAxis' },
    right : { triggers : ['<right>'], group : 'horizontalAxis' }


if (input.commands.left.active) {
} else if (input.commands.right.active) {

Since left and right are both in the same group, only the last triggered command is considered active. Its means that when pressing the right key while the left key is already pressed, the left command will be automatically disabled.

Customizable control settings

The commands being described in a data structure instead of a lump of code simplifies the implementation of user-modifiable control settings.

var input = new Input(defaultInputScheme);

// The user access the control settings and
// a new data structure with his settings is created


Input buffering

Several game genres, such as fighting games, rely on input buffering. This concept is out of the scope of this particular library.


2.0.2 (2015.11.18) :

  • Fix issue with multiple triggers where one trigger could "hide" another.
  • Fix error in browsers without support for the gamepad API.

2.0.1 (2015.09.13) :

  • Fix error in browsers without support for the gamepad API.

2.0.0 (2015.05.02) :

  • Use a Command construct.
  • Implement universal down, press and up states.
  • Reduced memory churn.
  • Breaking change in the public API (input.currentInput.UP became input.commands.UP.active).

Full history


  • Make unit tests and automate them with Travis.
  • Allow the use of custom input handler.
  • Better doc.



npm i migl-input


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Kevin Chapelier
  • released 11/18/2015

