
A tiny DI container
di dependency injection inversion of control ioc container unity object builder

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Basic usage | Concepts | Features


Microdi-js is a tiny but feature rich dependency injection container for JavaScript.

Basic usage

Object Registration

You can register an object using one of three methods:

  • container.register(identifier, Item).

    This registers either a constructor function OR an object prototype Item using the given string identifier.

    You can chain calls to alter the registration settings:

      var identifier = 'itemKey1';
          .register('identifier', Item)
          .inject('otherDependencyIdentifier1', 'otherDependencyIdentifier1')

    Here we register Item using the string identifier. We state that it requires dependencies otherDependencyIdentifier1 and otherDependencyIdentifier1. It's lifetime management is singletonPerContainer. It can be resolved using the identifier or as part of the group mySimilarObjects.

  • container.registerInstance(identifier, objectInstance).

    You can use registerInstance to register an existing instance with the given string identifier.

  • container.registerFactory(identifier, factory).

    This registers a creation factory using the given string identifier. The factory is a function that must return a new object instance. The factory will receive the current container as a first parameter. Any additional arguments passed during the resolve call will be passed to the factory.

          .registerFactory('fooId', (container, ...additionalDependencies) => {
                let fooDependency = container.resolve('fooDependencyId');  
                return new Foo(fooDependency, ...additionalDependencies);
      let foo = container.resolve('fooId', 1, 2, 3);

    Here we register a factory that will resolve a Foo. We then resolve an instance (foo) passing some additional arguments. Our creation factory resolves an additional dependency, then passes this dependency, plus the additional dependencies 1, 2, 3 to Foos constructor and returns it. It's registered using a transient scope so each time you resolve it, the factor will be invoked to resolve a new Foo instance.

Object Resolution

Object resolution is done via :

  • container.resolve(identifier [, additionalDependency1, additionalDependency2, etc. ]);

    This simply builds the object registered with the given identifier. Any dependencies will also be built and injected. Optionally provide additional dependencies which will get passed in after any that were specified via inject() at registration time.

  • container.resolveGroup(name);

    Resolving a group returns an array of objects registered against that group.


Below we have 2 simple classes. Parent takes Child as it's dependency. Child is registered with the identifier 'child' and Parent with the identifier 'parent'. Additionally the parent registration injects the Child as a dependency.

class Child {
    sayHello() {
        console.log('Hello from the child');
class Parent {
    constructor(child) {
        this._child = child;
    sayHello() {
        console.log('Hello from the parent');
var container = new microdi.Container();
container.register('child', Child);
container.register('parent', Parent).inject('child');
var parent = container.resolve('parent');


keith@devshop:~/dev/personal/microdi-js/dist/examples$ node readme.js
Hello from the parent
Hello from the child



JavaScript doesn't have a type system which makes containers a little cumbersome to use. Typically in typed languages you'd utilise information provided by the type system to aid in dependency resolution and injection. However without such a system all is not lost, we can simply use strings (i.e. 'identifiers') to identify objects to construct.


We need to manually specify objects dependencies at registration time. This is because there are no means available to inspect arguments required for constructors or init methods at object instantiation/initialisation time. We specify dependencies via inject:

container.register('a', A)
         .inject(dependency1, dependency2, etc.);`

Each item passed to inject represents a dependency to be injected into the instance that will be build. During resolve dependencies will be passed to the new instance in the same order they were provided to inject. The arguments to inject can contain string identifiers referencing other registrations and/or resolverKeys. A resolverKey references a dependency resolver which adds functionality to how the container will acquire and build the dependency.

Lets look at an example:

class Controller { 
    constructor(a, factoryThatMakesB) {}
container.register('a', A);
container.register('b', B);
    .register('controller', Controller)
    .inject('a', { resolver: 'factory', key : 'b' });

The above registers a Controller using the identifier controller. It specifies Controller requires 2 dependencies:

  • The dependency registered as a.
  • The dependency { resolver: 'factory', key : 'b' }, this is a resolverKey telling the container to build the dependency b using the build in injection factory resolver.


Object creation & dependency injection

A call to resolve will trigger build up of the object in question. Any dependencies the object requires will be resolved and injected.

Function constructors

If the type registered is a constructor function (i.e. typeof registeredObject === 'function') it will be initialised accordingly and any dependencies passed in.

Prototypical inheritance

If the type registered is not a constructor function it will be assumed a prototype. At resolve time new object/s will be created using Object.create(registeredObject). If the object has an init method then this will be called passing any dependencies.

Lifetime management

An object’s lifetime can be controlled by the container in a number of ways.


A singleton registration specifies the container will hold onto the object instance. Multiple calls to resolve with the same key will yield the same instance. When the container is disposed, the container will, for any registered instances with a dispose function, invoke that function.

var Foo = {};
container.register('theFoo', Foo).singleton();
var foo1 = container.resolve('theFoo');
var foo2 = container.resolve('theFoo');
console.log(foo1 == foo2); // true

Note this is the default lifetime used and so the call to .singleton() is optional.

Singleton per container

This is similar to a singleton however you get a single instance per child container.

var Bar = {};
container.register('theBar', Bar).singletonPerContainer();
var bar1 = container.resolve('theBar');
var bar2 = container.resolve('theBar');
var childContainer = container.createChildContainer();
var bar3 = childContainer.resolve('theBar');
var bar4 = childContainer.resolve('theBar');
console.log(bar1 == bar2); // true
console.log(bar2 == bar3); // false
console.log(bar3 == bar4); // true


This creates a new instance each time a call to resolve(identifier) or resolveGroup(groupName) is made. The container will not hold a reference to the instances created.

var Baz = {};
container.register('theBaz', Baz).transient();
var baz1 = container.resolve('theBaz');
var baz2 = container.resolve('theBaz');
console.log(baz1 == baz2); // false


Like a singleton however the container won't dispose the object when it's disposed.

var Disposable = {
    init() {
        this.isDisposed = false;
        return this;
    dispose() {
        this.isDisposed = true;
// Note registerInstance internally sets the lifetime type as 'external', 
// You can pass false as the last argument if you want to change this. 
// The container will then manage it as 'singleton' and dispose the instance at disposal time 
container.registerInstance('disposable1', Object.create(Disposable).init());
container.register('disposable2', Disposable);
var disposable1 = container.resolve('disposable1');
var disposable2 = container.resolve('disposable2');
console.log(disposable1.isDisposed); // false
console.log(disposable2.isDisposed); // true

Resolve groups

You can group objects together at registration time then resolve them using resolveGroup(name). Typically this is handy when you're objects share a related abstraction.

var Foo = {
    name: "theFoo"
var Bar = {
    name: "theBar"
var container = new microdi.Container();
container.register('foo', Foo).inGroup('group1');
container.register('bar', Bar).inGroup('group1');
var group1 = container.resolveGroup('group1');
for (let i = 0, len = group1.length; i < len; i++) {



Injecting groups

If you want to inject a group simply register the injection using the groupName. From example, if you wanted to inject all dependencies in group group1, from our example above, you'd do this:

class Bazz {
    constructor(group1) {
        // group1 would be an array with dependencies 'foo' and 'bar'
        this._group1 = group1;
container.register('bazz', Bazz).inject('group1');
var bazz = container.resolveGroup('bazz');

Resolution with additional dependencies

When calling resolve you can optionally pass additional dependencies. These will be appended to the dependencies provided to inject at registration time (if any).

class Foo {
    constructor(fizz, bar, bazz) {
        console.log('%s %s %s', fizz.name, bar.name, bazz.name);
var container = new microdi.Container();
container.register('fizz', { name: 'fizz'});
container.register('foo', Foo).inject('fizz');
var foo = container.resolve('foo', { name: 'bar'}, { name: 'bazz'});


fizz bar bazz

Injection factories

Sometimes you want your object to receive a factory, that when called will resolve and return the dependency in question.

class Item {
    constructor() {
        console.log("creating an item");
class Manager{
    constructor(itemFactory) {
        this._itemFactory = itemFactory;
    createItem(name) {
        return this._itemFactory(name);
var container = new microdi.Container();
container.register('item', Item).transient();
container.register('manager', Manager).inject({ resolver: 'factory', key: 'item'});
var manager = container.resolve('manager');
var item1 = manager.createItem();
var item2 = manager.createItem();


creating an item
creating an item


Injected factories are different from factories you use to create objects (via container.registerFactory). A factory registered via registerFactory is simply used to create your instance. An injected factory lets the container create the instance but it wraps this creation in a factory and injects the factory. It's typically used for lazy resolution of objects or when an object needs to create many other objects but doesn't want to take a dependency on the container itself.

Additional dependencies in factories

You can pass arguments to the factory and they forwarded as discussed above.

Lets modify the sample from above to demonstrate this:

class Item {
    constructor(otherDependencyA, name) {
        console.log('Hello ' + name + '. Other dependency: ' + otherDependencyA);
class Manager{
    constructor(itemFactory) {
        this._itemFactory = itemFactory;
    createItem(name) {
        return this._itemFactory(name);
var container = new microdi.Container();
container.registerInstance('otherDependencyA', 'look! a string dependency');
container.register('item', Item).inject('otherDependencyA').transient();
container.register('manager', Manager).inject({ resolver: 'factory', key: 'item'});
var manager = container.resolve('manager');
var fooItem = manager.createItem('Foo');
var barItem = manager.createItem('Bar');


Hello Bob
Hello Mick

Child containers

Child containers can be used to manage and scope a set of related objects. They inherit configuration from the parent however can be re-configured. They also inherit instances from their parent depending upon the lifetime management of the objects in question.

Create a child container by calling createChildContainer on a parent;

var container = new microdi.Container();
var childcontainer = container.createChildContainer();

Lifetime management in child containers

Depending upon registration configurations, objects resolved from a child container will either be owned by the child container or the parent.

var Foo = { };
var container = new microdi.Container();
var childContainer = container.createChildContainer();
container.register('foo', Foo); // defaults to singleton registration
var foo1 = container.resolve('foo');
var foo2 = childContainer.resolve('foo');
console.log(foo1 == foo2); // true, same instance

container.register('fooAgain', Foo).singletonPerContainer();
var foo3 = container.resolve('fooAgain');
var foo4 = childContainer.resolve('fooAgain');
console.log(foo3 == foo4); // false, different instance
var foo5 = childContainer.resolve('fooAgain');
console.log(foo4 == foo5); // true, same instance

Overriding Registrations

The configuration of a child container can be overridden if required.

var Foo = { };
var container = new microdi.Container();
container.register('foo', Foo); // defaults to singleton registration

var childcontainer = container.createChildContainer();
childcontainer.register('foo', Foo).transient();

var foo1 = container.resolve('foo');
var foo2 = container.resolve('foo');
console.log(foo1 == foo2); // true, same instance

var foo3 = childcontainer.resolve('foo');
console.log(foo2 == foo3); // false, different instance

var foo4 = childcontainer.resolve('foo');
console.log(foo3 == foo4); // false, different instance



Resolving the container

Sometimes you have an object that requires the container to be injected. While often thought of as an anti pattern, there are scenarios where this makes sense. If the object is a 'bootstrapper' of sorts, i.e. it needs fine grained control over child containers and sub object graph resolution, injecting a container makes sense.

When there are child containers at play, you'd expect objects who require a container, to be provide with the same container that build them, i.e. the child container in question.

Lets look at an example:

// a class that takes a container as a dependency
class Bootstrapper {
    constructor(container) {
        this._container = container; 

Lets look at the manual way of doing this:

import { Container } from 'microdi-js'; 
var container = new Container();
container.registerInstance('theRootContainer', container);
container.register('bootstrapper', Bootstrapper).inject('theRootContainer');
// bootstrapper will get injected with instance `container`
let bootstrapper = container.resolve('bootstrapper');

This will work, but when there are child container at play it gets a bit messy as you have to register things manually each time a child is created. Typically you strive to keep child container re-configuration to a minimum for code maintainability reasons.

microdi supports a special injection key exposed as MicroDiConsts.owningContainer. This key will ensure an object getting resolved get it's owning container. Lets re-work the above example:

import { Container, MicroDiConsts } from 'microdi-js'; 
var container = new Container();
    .register('bootstrapper', Bootstrapper)
// bootstrapper will get injected with instance `container`
let bootstrapper = container.resolve('bootstrapper');

Objects injected with MicroDiConsts.owningContainer and resolved from child containers will get the owning child container injected:

import { Container, MicroDiConsts } from 'microdi-js'; 
var container1 = new Container();
    .register('bootstrapper', Bootstrapper)
    .transient() // resolve new `Bootstrapper` instance each time

// bootstrapper1 will get injected with `container1`
let bootstrapper1 = container1.resolve('bootstrapper');

// bootstrapper2 will get injected with `container2`
let container2 = container1.createChildContainer();
let bootstrapper2 = container2.resolve('bootstrapper');

Checking what's registered

You can check if a dependency is registered using .isRegistered(name). A group can be checked using .isGroupRegistered(groupName):boolean. Both these exist on a container object and will return a boolean result.


When you call .dispose() on a container, that container will inspect any object it holds and if an object has a dispose function, it will be called. However it will not dispose transient-created objects or objects registered via registerInstance('aKey', myInstance). Any child containers created from the disposed parent will also be disposed. These child containers will in turn dispose of their registered instances.

class Foo {
    dispose() {
        console.log('foo disposed');

var container = new microdi.Container();

container.register('foo', Foo).singletonPerContainer();
var foo1 = container.resolve('foo');

var childcontainer = container.createChildContainer();
var foo2 = childcontainer.resolve('foo');



foo disposed
foo disposed

Dependency Resolvers

Dependency resolvers alters the default way a dependency is created. A dependency resolver is simply an object with a resolve(container, resolverKey) method. You can create your own resolvers and add them to the container. When registering an object, a resolverKey can be used as a dependency. This enables the container to resolve the dependency using the resolver specified. A resolverKey can can also be specified as a replacement for the object or construction function that is to be built. At resolve time the container will call the dependency resolver specified by the resolverKey to create the object in question. The container and the resolverKey specified via inject() will be passed to the resolvers resolve method. This sounds a bit more complicated than it actually is, it's easier to demonstrate with some code.

Here is an example where rather than registering a concrete object to build, a resolverKey is used. The DomResolver resolver will be used to resolve the object.

class DomResolver {
    resolve(container, resolverKey) {
        // return a pretend dom element,
        return {
            get description() {
                return 'Fake DOM element - ' + resolverKey.domId ;
var container = new microdi.Container();
container.addResolver('domResolver', new DomResolver());
// Note the usage of 'isResolverKey' so the container can distinguish this from a normal object.
// This is only required when you don't register a constructor function or prototype.
container.register('view', { resolver: 'domResolver', domId : 'theDomId', isResolverKey: true });
var view = container.resolve('view');


Fake DOM element - theDomId

Here is an example where a concrete object is registered and a resolverKey is used to resolve a dependency of the registered item.

class DomResolver {
    resolve(container, resolverKey) {
        // return a pretend dom element,
        return {
            get description() {
                return 'Fake DOM element - ' + resolverKey.domId ;
var container = new microdi.Container();
container.addResolver('domResolver', new DomResolver());
class Controller {
    constructor(view) {
// Note we don't need to specify the 'isResolverKey' property on the resolverKey.
// The container assumes it is as it appears in the dependency list.
container.register('controller', Controller).inject({ resolver: 'domResolver', domId : 'viewId' });
var controller = container.resolve('controller');


Fake DOM element - viewId

Built in resolvers

There are 3 built in resolvers.


The delegate resolver simply defers object creation to a delegate provided by the resolverKey.

class Foo  {
    constructor(bar) {
        console.log('bar is : [%s]', bar);
var container = new microdi.Container();
container.register('foo', Foo)
        resolver: 'delegate',
        resolve: (container, resolveKey) => {
            return 'barInstance';
var foo = container.resolve('foo');


bar is : [barInstance]

Injection factory

Discussed above, injection factories use the factory dependency resolver to wrap the creation call in a function for later invocation.

External factory

Under the covers registerFactory uses a built in externalFactory dependency resolver to invoke the factory registered against an identifier.

Annotation usages and IoC

Often container implementation use decorators (annotations in Java and attributes in C#) to decorate objects with IoC related concerns. For example lifetime management, scoping, dependency information etc. The author believes this to be useful in some instances however often an anti-pattern for the following reasons:

  • Objects become dependent on their dependencies as they are explicitly declared together.
  • It becomes difficult to configure an object for differing usages unless you decorate it for both, if supported.
  • It becomes difficult to gain an understanding of how objects play together at runtime. Runtime configuration is scattered on objects in different code files and across the entire codebase. Runtime configuration of objects is simpler to understand when it's in a single place.
  • 90% of the time you'll find you need some runtime configuration. You end up in a place where you have both runtime and declarative (i.e. decorator) configuration. This adds confusion.
  • It doesn't work when creating shared code, i.e. in libraries. If you hit this you don't want some code using annotation and some using run time configuration (i.e. the above point).


  • Apache 2
  • Whatever
  • Keith Woods
  • released 6/18/2015

