
Wrapper around the HAL API.


Wrapper around the HAL API. It allows to query the HAL database in a convenient way.


  npm install --save methal


  var methal = require('methal');

  methal.query({ docid: '19' }, { fields: '*' }, function (err, result) {


query(search, [options,] callback)

Perform a query and get the JSON response from the API. The callback is called with a potential error and the result object. (see below)

Result example

    // number of documents that match the query
    "numFound": 1,
    // index of the first document
    "start": 0,
    // actual documents (NB: the amount is limited by default)
      "docid": 19,
      "uri_s": "",
      "label_s": "Mark Wexler, Francesco Panerai, Ivan Lamouret, Jacques Droulez. Self-motion and the perception of stationary objects. Nature, Nature Publishing Group, 2001, 409, pp.85-88. <hal-00000019>"

find(search, [options,] callback)

Shorthand function to get multiple documents. Returns only the docs instead of the full JSON.

findOne(search, [options,] callback)

Shorthand function to get a single document. Limit the query to one row and returns only the doc instead of the full JSON.


The search can be eiter an object or a raw query string that use Solr syntax. The object supports $and, $or and $not operators between fields.

Have a look at the API documentation to get a list of all available fields.

Query examples

// city contains "Paris"
{ city_t: 'paris' }
// city equals "Paris"
{ city_s: 'Paris' }
// city contains either "Paris" or "London"
{ city_t: 'paris OR london' }
// title contains "milk" and (city equals "London" or language equals "en")
  title_t: 'milk',
  $or: [
    { city_s: 'London' },
    { language_s: 'en' }
// city equals "Paris" and (language is not "fr" and fulltext does not contain "milk")
  { city_s: 'Paris' },
  $not: [
    { language_s: 'fr' },
    { fulltext_t: 'milk' }

Main options

Have a look at the API documentation to get a full list of available options.

Option Description
sort Sort results. Ex: "city_s asc", "language_s desc"
start Offset of the first document to return.
rows Number of documents to return (limited by default).
fl / fields Fields to return. Ex: "*", "docid, country_s", ["docid", "country_s"]
npm i methal


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • ezPAARSE Team
  • released 6/26/2015

