
A plugin that uses metalsmith-collections to create a collection paginated by year
metalsmith plugin paginate year


Build Status

This plug-in makes metalsmith-collections "paginatable". It does so by creating virtual files which contain the information about the collection as well as the previous and next page.

You must use this in conjunction with metalsmith-collections!


Firstly you must create a file that contains the information over which collection you want to paginate and the template name:

paginate: posts

Note: if you give the page a title and use the metalsmith-permalinks plug-in you might get some weird results.

const Metalsmith  = require('metalsmith');
const collections = require('metalsmith-collections');
const pagination  = require('metalsmith-yearly-pagination');

    blog: {
      pattern: 'content/blog/*.md',
      sortBy: 'date',
      reverse: true
    path: 'blog/page'
  // ...


name description
iteratee Function called for each post (optional)
path The path were the files will be outputted to. Appended with "-$YEAR.html" where $YEAR is the year the posts has been grouped by. So "blog/page" would for example result in the second page being rendered as blog/page-2015.html, if there were any posts in 2015. You can also use the placeholder ':collection' to insert the name of the collection. (optional)


The pagination info won't be of any use to you if you don't render it. Each (virtual) pagination file will contain a new object under the key "pagination" which contains the following info:

name description
year The year the current posts has been grouped by
posts The posts objects from the collection
prev The previous page object
next The next page object

You can then use this info in your template.

<h1>Posts from {{pagination.year}}</h1>
  <li class="post">
    <h2 class="entry-title">
      <a href="{{ path }}" rel="bookmark">{{ title }}</a>
    <article class="entry-summary">
      {{ excerpt }}
      <a href="{{ path }}" class="button">Read More</a>

{{#if pagination}}
  <nav class="pagination">
      <a href="{{}}">&lt; Prev</a>
    {{#if pagination.prev}}
      <a href="{{pagination.prev.path}}">Next &gt;</a>

Note: This example also uses the metalsmith-permalinks plug-in.

Advanced usage

It's made for extensibility by allowing you to pass a options.iteratee function which are called for every collection post.

Example below illustrates this by displaying the excerpt of the top 10 posts per year, follow by posts only listed by its title.

Metalsmith setup

const Metalsmith  = require('metalsmith');
const collections = require('metalsmith-collections');
const pagination  = require('metalsmith-yearly-pagination');

    blog: {
      pattern: 'content/blog/*.md',
      sortBy: 'date',
      reverse: true
    path: 'blog/page',
    iteratee: (post, idx) => ({
      displayExcerpt: idx < 10,
  // ...


  <li class="post">
    <h2 class="entry-title">
      <a href="{{ post.path }}" rel="bookmark">{{ post.title }}</a>
    {{#if displayExcerpt}}
      <article class="entry-summary">
        {{ post.excerpt }}
      <a href="{{ post.path }}" class="button">Read More</a>


This is an OPEN Open Source Project. This means that:

Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project.

See the contribution guide for more details.

This project was originally a fork of the metalsmith-paginate.


  • MIT
  • >=4.0.0
  • Phillip Johnsen
  • released 8/7/2018

