
Javascript SDK for front end applications

Mercury Javascript SDK

This is an SDK that wraps calls to the Discovery APIs. The SDK exposes an object with classes that represent API groups. Each class will have a number of name-spaced methods that return promises with data from APIs in that group. Each class will also expose some common methods for hateoas support, using the auth tools against additional endpoints, and affiliate login/logut functionality. See the documentation below for a complete list of methods.

SDK Development


  • node and npm

Getting started:

  • clone the repo
  • run $ npm install
  • see package.json for a list of npm scripts

Adding SDK to your project


  • node and npm

Getting started:

  • install with npm - npm install @discodigital/mercury-sdk-js --save

Developing Locally:

If you'd like to use this package locally to make changes and use in your project, you can create a link through npm from the root of your project:

  • npm link ../path/to/mercury-sdk-js @discodigital/mercury-sdk-js@0.<version>.0

Note: If you are linking the mercury-sdk-js package into a react project and that react project is using react-hot loader, then you will need to explicitly tell it to ignore the mercury-sdk-js package when it does its transformation. You can do this in the webpack.config.js where you have defined the loader for react-hot. You'll need to add mercury-sdk-js to the exclude:

    test: /\.jsx?$/,
    loaders: ['react-hot', 'babel?cacheDirectory'], // support HMR
    exclude: [/node_modules/, /mercury-sdk-js/],

Base Class functionality

All of the API group classes are built on top of a base class that provides the shared functionality. The primary differences between API group classes are defined by their config sections, thus most of the functionality resides in the base class.


new SDKBase(options, child)

Create a base class instance.


Name Type Description
`options` object (required) the options passed from the child class constructor.
Name Type Description
`apiBase` string (required) the base url of the api group you want to consume.
`clientId` string (required) the clientId issued to your app by the services team.
`authentication` 'anonymous' | 'affiliate' (optional) the authentication type you'll use for the class instance.
`anonymousProxy` string (optional) a local proxy for anonymous authentication, this lets the SDK avoid using iframes.
`affiliateProxy` string (optional) a local proxy for affiliate authentication, this lets the SDK avoid using iframes.
`loginStyle` 'window' | 'popup' | 'tab' (optional) whether affiliate auth should happen in a the same window, a popup or a new tab default is window
`code` string (optional) the code that is passed back from oauth re-direct
`version` string (optional) the api version you want to use, defaults to v1
`networksCode` string (optional) the id of the network or network group, used to trim the affiliate list down
`child` string (required) the child class name, used to reference the right config data.


Name Type Description
`config` object the configuration options passed in
`auth` object an object that will hold the sdk instances auth token and metadata
`isAuthenticated` boolean a flag that represents the current auth state
`hateoas` object an object that holds several methods for following hateoas links



Used by client apps to remove any listeners or maps that may prevent the instance from being garbage collected


fetchWithAuth(url, options) → {Promise}

This exposes the internal fetchWithAuth method for client apps using the SDKBase it allows for add hoc calls to apis with auth support and could be useful for APIs that aren't included in the SDK yet

Name Type Description
`url` string (required) the url of the fetch request (same as in normal window.fetch)
`options` object (optional) the fetch options (same as in normal window.fetch)

a Promise resolving with the json data from the api called, parsed to add HATEOS link functions

classInstance.fetchWithAuth('https://my-dev-apis/v1/someendpoint', { method: 'GET' })
    .then(resp => {
        //your data is in resp.headers and resp.body

getAffiliates() → {Promise}

Used by client apps to get a list of affiliates to choose from in affilate auth
a Promise resolving with an array of affiliate objects

    .then(resp => {
        // affiliates list is in resp.body

hateoas.fetch(linksArray, targetRel, parameters) → {Promise}

The hateoas.fetch function allows the client app to pass in a group of hateoas links and make a call to one of them by it's rel name

Name Type Description
`linksArray` array the hateoas links to use
`targetRel` string the rel of the link the app wants to call
`parameters` object the parameters to fill out the url template with and to add additional params to the querystring (or body if "POST") of the fetch call

a call to the fetchWithAuth function provided

const linksArray = [
        rel: 'next',
        href: '{platform}',

classInstance.hateoas.fetchLink(linksArray, 'next', { platform: 'desktop' })
    .then(resp => {
        //your hateoas link data is in resp.body, there maybe be hateoas links in resp.headers

hateoas.namedResource(configurationsParams, resourceName, resourceParams) → {Promise}

The hateoas.namedResource function will get the configuration for the app defined in the first argument and call one of it's links

Name Type Description
`configurationsParams` object the params used to call the configurations api
`resourceName` string the name of the link in the configuration you want to call
`resourceParams` object the object used in calling hateoas.fetch()

a call to hateoas.fetch()

classInstance.hateoas.namedResource({ id: 'dgo', key: 'test' }, 'featured', { platform: 'desktop' })
    .then(resp => {
        // your named resource data is in resp.body, there maybe be hateoas links in resp.headers


Used by client apps to log out of affiliate auth

    .then(() => {
        // logoff is now complete


Used by client apps to initialize affiliate auth once an affiliate is chosen by the user

Name Type Description
`affiliateObject` object (required) the complete affiliate object that came from getAffiliates()


classInstance.setAffiliate({ authClientId:"thr030", links:[], etc });

setAuth(authObj, affiliateLink)

Used by the classes or client applications

Name Type Description
`authObj` object (required) this should hold the data that comes from the oauth service, most importantly access_token
`affiliateLink` string (optional) the hateoas link for affiliate auth


classInstance.setAuth({ access_token: '154345234523452345453425.452345243523.2345234' });

API Group: Discovery REST APIs


new SDK.Drapi(options)

Create a Drapi class instance.


Name Type Description
`options` object (required) constructor options.
Name Type Description
`apiBase` string (required) the base url of the api group you want to consume.
`clientId` string (required) the clientId issued to your app by the services team.
`authentication` 'anonymous' | 'affiliate' (optional, defaults to anonymous) the authentication type you'll use for the class instance.
`anonymousProxy` string (optional) a local proxy for anonymous authentication, this lets the SDK avoid using iframes.
`loginStyle` 'window' | 'popup' | 'tab' (optional) whether affiliate auth should happen in a the same window, a popup or a new default is window
`version` string (optional) the api version you want to use, defaults to v1
`networksCode` string (optional) the id of the network or network group, used to trim the affiliate list down


const classInstance = new SDK.Drapi({
  apiBase: '',
  clientId: '12345234tsdfg43256',


Affiliates.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Affiliates


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`type` string (optional) Filter
`name` string (optional) Filter (regex)
`platform` string (optional) Platform Name (e.g. desktop)
`` string (optional) Filter
`networks.code` string (optional) Filter
`sort` string (optional) Fields Supported: [rank, name]
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`xid` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content id
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Affiliates.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find one Affiliate


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`id` string (required) Affiliate ID
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


classInstance.Affiliates.find({id: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Bios.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Bios


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`name` string (optional) Filter (regex)
`slug` string (optional) Filter
`rank` string (optional) Filter
`` string (optional) Filter
`sort` string (optional) Fields Supported: [name, slug, rank,]
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`xid` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content id
`xslug` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content slug
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Bios.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find one Bio


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`id` string (required) Bio ID
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


classInstance.Bios.find({id: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Collections.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Collections


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`platform` string (required) Platform Name (e.g. desktop)
`type` string (required) Collection Type (all|network)
`slug` string (optional) Filter
`` string (optional) Filter
`network.code` string (optional) Filter
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand collection item types. Embedded Object Attributes of Video and Show API Collections(e.g. networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`xid` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content id
`xslug` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content slug


classInstance.Collections.find({platform: 'string', type: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Collections.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find one Collection


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`id` string (required) Collection ID
`platform` string (optional) Platform Name (e.g. desktop) to filter resource Alternate Images, if applicable
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


classInstance.Collections.find({id: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Configurations.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Configurations


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`id` string (required) your apps ID
`key` string (required)


classInstance.Configurations.find({ id: 'dgo', key: 'test' })
    .then(resp => {
        // use your data
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Curatedlists.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Curatedlists


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`name` string (optional) Filter (regex)
`slug` string (optional) Filter
`sort` string (optional) Fields Supported: [name, slug]
`platform` string (optional) Platform Name (e.g. desktop) to filter resource Alternate Images, if applicable
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`xid` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content id
`xslug` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content slug
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Curatedlists.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find one Curatedlist


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`id` string (required) Curatedlist ID
`platform` string (optional) Platform Name (e.g. desktop) to filter resource Alternate Images, if applicable
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


classInstance.Curatedlists.find({id: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Featured.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Featured


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`platform` string (required) Platform Name (e.g. desktop)
`type` string (required) Collection Type (all|network)
`` string (optional) Filter
`network.code` string (optional) Filter
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand collection item types. Embedded Object Attributes of Video and Show API Collections(e.g. networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response


classInstance.Featured.find({platform: 'string', type: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

FeaturedPage.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all FeaturedPage


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`platform` string (required) Platform Name (e.g. desktop)
`type` string (required) Collection Type (all|network)
`` string (optional) Filter
`network.code` string (optional) Filter
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand collection item types. Embedded Object Attributes of Video and Show API Collections(e.g. networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response


classInstance.FeaturedPage.find({platform: 'string', type: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Genres.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Genres


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`name` string (optional) Filter (regex)
`slug` string (optional) Filter
`` string (optional) Filter
`networks.code` string (optional) Filter
`sort` string (optional) Fields Supported: [name, slug]
`platform` string (optional) Platform Name (e.g. desktop) to filter resource Alternate Images, if applicable
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`xid` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content id
`xslug` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content slug
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Genres.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find one Genre


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`id` string (required) Genre ID
`platform` string (optional) Platform Name (e.g. desktop) to filter resource Alternate Images, if applicable
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


classInstance.Genres.find({id: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Layouts.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Layouts


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`platform` string (required) Platform Name (e.g. desktop)
`name` string (optional) Filter (regex)
`slug` string (optional) Filter
`type` string (optional) Filter
`` string (optional) Filter
`networks.code` string (optional) Filter
`show.slug` string (optional) Filter
`video.slug` string (optional) Filter
`livestream.slug` string (optional) Filter
`curatedlist.slug` string (optional) Filter
`collection.slug` string (optional) Filter
`sort` string (optional) Fields Supported: [name, slug, type,, networks.code]
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


classInstance.Layouts.find({platform: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Layouts.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find one Layout


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`id` string (required) Layout ID
`platform` string (required) Platform Name (e.g. desktop)
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


classInstance.Layouts.find({id: 'string', platform: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Livestreams.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find one Livestream


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`id` string (required) Livestream ID
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


classInstance.Livestreams.find({id: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Livestreams.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Livestreams


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`authenticated` boolean (optional) Filter
`slug` string (optional) Filter
`` string (optional) Filter
`networks.code` string (optional) Filter
`sort` string (optional) Fields Supported: [slug, authenticated, rank,, networks.code]
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`xid` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content id
`xslug` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content slug
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Menus.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Menus


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`name` string (optional) Filter (regex)
`type` string (optional) Filter
`` string (optional) Filter
`` string (optional) Filter
`networks.code` string (optional) Filter
`sort` string (optional) Fields Supported: [name, type,, networks.code,]
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`xid` string (optional) Resource models excluded from API resource response based on content id
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Menus.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find one Menu


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`id` string (required) Menu ID
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from API resource response
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand referenced/embedded collection item types(e.g. API Collections: networks, show, genres, subgenres, season)


classInstance.Menus.find({id: 'string'})
    .then(resp => {
        // your data is in resp.headers and resp.body
    .catch(err => {
        // error handling

Moreepisodes.find(parameters) → {Promise}

Find all Moreepisodes


Name Type Description
`parameters` object
Name Type Description
`platform` string (required) Platform Name (e.g. desktop)
`` string (required) Filter
`` string (optional) Filter
`` string (optional) Filter
`networks.code` string (optional) Filter
`embed` string (optional) Ability to expand collection item types. Embedded Object Attributes of Video API Collections(e.g. networks, genres, subgenres, seasons)
`limit` integer (optional) Max Resource Count. *Page size
`offset` integer (optional) Resource index. *Zero-based
`fields` string (optional) Resource fields returned in API resource response
`xfields` string (optional) Resource fields excluded from


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 1/15/2018

