
Extensible form storage for memorising user inputs with localStorage.




Memoria is an extensible form storage for memorising user inputs. Never again will you lose form data!

Install via npm: npm install memoria-js


Although Memoria is zero configuration, there are a few requirements to get it working using native input fields.

  • All form containers must have a unique name attribute per website;
  • All input/select/textarea fields must have a unique name/data-memoria-name attribute per form;
  • All input fields with type of radio must be implemented specially.
  • All custom input fields must be implemented using the provided hooks.

Unit Tests

All of the unit tests for Memoria are written in Jasmine and can be run with grunt test.


You're more than welcome to contribute to the Memoria project! Please include unit tests and it'll be more than happily merged in.

Clearing Storage

Since a form submission is no guarantee that the form data was received successfully, Memoria leaves it entirely up to you to clear the stored form data.

Simply invoke memoria.clear('form-name'); on your form submission, AJAX request onSuccess handler, etc... once you're sure the data has been safely received.

onSuccess: function(response) {

    if (response.valid) {


Overloading Event Name

Memoria allows for each supported input type to overload the default event name.

For example, on an input field that is of type text, the default event is onkeyup. However, by adding the data-memoria-event="onclick" attribute to the input node, the _save method is now invoked on the onclick event instead of onkeyup.

<input type="text" name="name" id="name" data-memoria-event="onkeydown" />

Problem of Radio Inputs

Since input elements with the type radio have the same names, they are indistinguishable from one another, which makes it problematic to pinpoint which one the value should be applied to. However, Memoria overcomes this by allowing you to specify a custom name for all of your nodes – for the most part this should be avoided, because the name attribute will suffice, but on radio inputs it is a must! Simply add the data-memoria-name attribute to each radio input and ensure their names are unique.

<input name="response" data-memoria-name="response-yep" type="radio" />
<input name="response" data-memoria-name="response-nope" type="radio" />

Ignoring Inputs

By default Memoria will attempt to find all input, select, textarea fields. However, sometimes you not want a particular node to use Memoria. For this you can simply define the data-memoria-ignore attribute on any node.

<div class="ui form small input">
    <input data-memoria-ignore type="text" name="name" id="name" data-memoria-event="onkeyup" />

HTML5 Input Fields

Memoria supports all HTML5 input fields – the Baker's Dozen as they're endearingly known. As with all native input fields, there is zero configuration and they will all work out-of-the-box.

<div class="ui form small input">
    <input type="number" id="age" name="age" value="16" />

HTML5 inputs are: color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url and week!

Custom Nodes

By default, Memoria supports all default input elements. However, what if you're using a custom JavaScript dropdown? What then? Luckily you're able to indicate a form input by applying the data-memoria-input attribute with a value – the value will be used to load your custom delegator object.

<div class="options"
    data-memoria-input="Choice" data-memoria-event="onclick" data-memoria-name="gender">
    <div class="option" data-value="Male">Male</div>
    <div class="option" data-value="Female">Female</div>

From the above code – as seen in example/index.html, Memoria will be looking for an object called Memoria.Observer.Choice.

  • data-memoria-input – name of the delegator class to handle the callbacks;
  • data-memoria-event – on which event(s) to respond to the element;
  • data-memoria-name – name of the input for when it's stored in localStorage;

If it's necessary, you can also specify multiple events with data-memoria-event by separating them with a comma – don't worry about whitespace, Memoria will trim that for you.

<div class="options"
    data-memoria-input="Choice" data-memoria-event="onclick, ondblclick" data-memoria-name="gender">
    <div class="option" data-value="Male">Male</div>
    <div class="option" data-value="Female">Female</div>

Memoria provides two callbacks:

  • setupElement – invoked when localStorage has found a value pertaining to the current custom element (data-memoria-name). Should be used to setup your element visually based on the saved value;
  • eventFired – invoked when the user triggers the event (data-memoria-event). Should be used to return the value you wish to save in localStorage;

For an example of a custom element, please refer to Memoria.Observer.MultipleSelect.

npm i memoria-js


