
A memoization and caching library for NodeJS
memoization memoize memo cache caching function cache node cache


A memoization and caching library for NodeJS.

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$ npm install memo-cache


let memoCache = require('memo-cache');



memoCache.cache.create(cacheName, options)
  • cacheName String - name of the cache
  • options Object - options for the cache, specifying any of the following:
    • cloneValues Boolean - should returned values be clones of the original? [Default: false]
    • maxSize Integer - maximum number of keys to store in this cache; if null, then unlimited [Default: null]

Return Value: An object with the following functions to modify the created cache. Please note that these functions do not require the cacheName.

  • set : function (key, value)
  • get : function (key)
  • getAll : function ()
  • exists : function (key)
  • clear : function ()
  • size : function ()
  • options : function ()
let myCache = memoCache.cache.create('myCache');
// Output:
// { set: [Function],     -- function(key, value)
//  get: [Function],      -- function(key)
//  getAll: [Function]    -- function ()
//  exists: [Function],   -- function(key)
//  clear: [Function],    -- function()
//  size: [Function],     -- function()
//  options: [Function] } -- function()
memoCache.cache.set(cacheName, key, value)
  • cacheName String - name of the cache
  • key String - key to be used to store the value
  • value Any - value to be stored in the cache

Return Value: If the item is stored, then the stored value is returned, otherwise null is returned.

memoCache.cache.set('myCache', 'isExample', true);
// OR (if using the myCache variable from above):
myCache.set('isExample', true);
memoCache.cache.get(cacheName, key)
  • cacheName String - name of the cache
  • key String - key to be used to retrieve the value

Return Value: If there is an item stored at the given key, then the stored value is returned, otherwise null is returned.

memoCache.cache.get('myCache', 'isExample'); // => true
memoCache.cache.get('myCache', 'isNotExample'); // => null
// OR (if using the myCache variable from above):
myCache.get('isExample'); // => true
myCache.get('isNotExample'); // => null
  • cacheName String - name of the cache

Return Value: If there are items stored in the cache, they will be returned as a JS document.

memoCache.cache.getAll('myCache'); // => {}
memoCache.cache.get('notAValidCache'); // => null
// OR (if using the myCache variable from above):
myCache.getAll('isExample'); // => {}
myCache.getAll('notAValidCache'); // => null
memoCache.cache.remove(cacheName, key)
  • cacheName String - name of the cache
  • key String - key to be deleted

Return Value: If there is an item stored at the given key, then the stored value is returned, otherwise null is returned.

memoCache.cache.remove('myCache', 'isExample'); // => true
memoCache.cache.remove('myCache', 'isNotExample'); // => null
// OR (if using the myCache variable from above):
myCache.remove('isExample'); // => true
myCache.remove('isNotExample'); // => null
memoCache.cache.exists(cacheName, key)
  • cacheName String - name of the cache
  • key String - key to be checked

Return Value: If there is an item stored at the given key, then true is returned, otherwise false is returned.

memoCache.cache.exists('myCache', 'isExample'); // => true
memoCache.cache.exists('myCache', 'isNotExample'); // => false
// OR (if using the myCache variable from above):
myCache.exists('isExample'); // => true
myCache.exists('isNotExample'); // => false
  • cacheName String - name of the cache

Return Value: If the cache is cleared, then true is returned, otherwise false is returned.

memoCache.cache.clear('myCache'); // => true
// OR (if using the myCache variable from above):
myCache.clear(); // => true
  • cacheName String - (optional) name of the cache; If not specified, the size of all caches is returned

Return Value: The size of the cache(s).

memoCache.cache.size('myCache'); // => 1
memoCache.cache.size(); // => 1 
// OR (if using the myCache variable from above):
myCache.size(); // => 1
  • cacheName String - name of the cache

Return Value: If the cache exists, then the options object is returned, otherwise null is returned.

memoCache.cache.options('myCache'); // => { cloneValues: boolean, maxSize: Number, memoHashFunction: Function }
// OR (if using the myCache variable from above):
myCache.options(); // => { cloneValues: boolean, maxSize: Number, memoHashFunction: Function }


memoCache.memoize(function, options)
  • cacheName String - name of the cache
  • options Object - options for the cache, specifying any of the following:
  • cloneValues Boolean - should returned values be clones of the original? [Default: false]
  • maxSize Integer - maximum number of keys to store in this cache; if null, then unlimited [Default: null]
  • memoHashFunction Function - used to map the input arguments to a String. The result of this function becomes the key for the function result value
let memoCache = require('memo-cache');
let myFunction = function (aString) { console.log('cache miss!'); return aString; };

let myFunctionMemoized = memoCache.memoize(myFunction, {maxSize: 10});
myFunctionMemoized('testing'); // => 'testing' (Prints 'cache miss!' to the console)
myFunctionMemoized('testing'); // => 'testing' (Does not print 'cache miss!')


$ npm test

Note: This requires mocha, should, async, and underscore.


  • Cache Functionality via memoCache.cache
  • Can create multiple caches (allowing 'namespaces')
  • Memoization Functionality via memoCache.memoize()
  • Least Recently Used implementation when options.maxSize specified
  • Caching and Memoization included in one module (usually separate)


  • MIT
  • *
  • mrodrig
  • released 5/27/2017

