
Configure Medic Mobile deployments

Medic Project Configurer

Medic Conf is a command-line interface tool to manage and configure your apps built using the Core Framework of the Community Health Toolkit.


  • nodejs 8 or later
  • python 2.7
  • or Docker



docker build -t medic-conf:v0 .
docker run medic-conf:v0
docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash


npm install -g medic-conf
sudo python -m pip install git+[email protected]#egg=pyxform-medic


npm install -g medic-conf
pip install git+[email protected]#egg=pyxform-medic


As Administrator:

npm install -g medic-conf
python -m pip install git+[email protected]#egg=pyxform-medic --upgrade

Bash completion

To enable tab completion in bash, add the following to your .bashrc/.bash_profile:

eval "$(medic-conf --shell-completion=bash)"


To upgrade to the latest version

npm install -g medic-conf


medic-conf will upload the configuration from your current directory.

Specifying the server to configure

If you are using the default actionset, or performing any actions that require a CHT instance to function (e.g. upload-xyz or backup-xyz actions) you must specify the server you'd like to function against.


For developers, this is the instance defined in your COUCH_URL environment variable.

medic-conf --local

A specific Medic Mobile instance

For configuring against Medic Mobile-hosted instances.


Username admin is used. A prompt is shown for entering password.

If a different username is required, add the --user switch:

--user user-name

An arbitrary URL

medic-conf --url=https://username:[email protected]:12345

Into an archive to be uploaded later

medic-conf --archive

The resulting archive is consumable by Medic's API >v3.7 to create default configurations.

Perform specific action(s)

medic-conf <--archive|--local|--instance=instance-name|--url=url> <...action>

The list of available actions can be seen via medic-conf --help.

Perform actions for specific forms

medic-conf <--local|--instance=instance-name|--url=url> <...action> -- <...form>

Protecting against configuration overwriting

Added in v3.2.0

In order to avoid overwriting someone elses configuration medic-conf records the last uploaded configuration snapshot in the .snapshots directory. The remote.json file should be committed to your repository along with the associated configuration change. When uploading future configuration if medic-conf detects the snapshot doesn't match the configuration on the server you will be prompted to overwrite or cancel.

Currently supported


  • compile app settings from:
    • tasks
    • rules
    • schedules
    • contact-summary
    • purge
  • app settings can also be defined in a more modular way by having the following files in app_settings folder:
    • base_settings.json
    • forms.json
    • schedules.json
  • backup app settings from server
  • upload app settings to server
  • upload resources to server
  • upload custom translations to the server
  • upload privacy policies to server
  • upload branding to server
  • upload partners to server


  • fetch from Google Drive and save locally as .xlsx
  • backup from server
  • delete all forms from server
  • delete specific form from server
  • upload all app or contact forms to server
  • upload specified app or contact forms to server

Managing data and images

  • convert CSV files with contacts and reports to JSON docs
  • move contacts by downloading and making the changes locally first
  • upload JSON files as docs on instance
  • compress PNGs and SVGs in the current directory and its subdirectories

Editing contacts across the hierarchy.

To edit existing couchdb documents, create a CSV file that contains the id's of the document you wish to update, and the columns of the document attribute(s) you wish to add/edit. By default, values are parsed as strings. To parse a CSV column as a JSON type, refer to the Property Types section to see how you can parse the values to different types. Also refer to the Excluded Columns section to see how to exclude column(s) from being added to the docs.

Parameter Description Required
column(s) Comma delimited list of columns you wish to add/edit. If this is not specified all columns will be added. No
docDirectoryPath This action outputs files to local disk at this destination No. Default json-docs
file(s) Comma delimited list of files you wish to process using edit-contacts. By default, contact.csv is searched for in the current directory and processed. No.


  1. Create a contact.csv file with your columns in the csv folder in your current path. The documentID column is a requirement. (The documentID column contains the document IDs to be fetched from couchdb.)
documentID is_in_emnch:bool
documentID1 false
documentID2 false
documentID3 true
  1. Use the following command to download and edit the documents:
medic-conf --instance=*instance* edit-contacts -- --column=*is_in_emnch* --docDirectoryPath=*my_folder*
  1. Then upload the edited documents using the upload-docs command.

Project layout

This tool expects a project to be structured as follows:

                [extra files]
                [extra files]

If you are starting from scratch you can initialise the file layout using the initialise-project-layout action:

medic-conf initialise-project-layout

Derived configs

Configuration can be inherited from another project, and then modified. This allows the app_settings.json and contained files (task-schedules.json, targets.json etc.) to be imported, and then modified.

To achieve this, create a file called settings.inherit.json in your project's root directory with the following format:

    "inherit": "../path/to/other/project",
    "replace": {
        "": "value-to-replace-it-with"
    "merge": {
        "complex.objects": {
            "will_be_merged": true
    "delete": [
    "filter": {
        "": [

Fetching logs

Fetch logs from a CHT v2.x production server.

This is a standalone command installed alongside medic-conf. For usage information, run medic-logs --help.


medic-logs <instance-name> <log-types...>

Accepted log types:



To develop a new action or improve an existing one, check the "Actions" doc.


Execute npm test to run static analysis checks and the test suite.

Executing your local branch

  1. Clone the project locally
  2. Make changes to medic-conf or checkout a branch for testing
  3. Test changes
    1. To test CLI changes locally you can run node <project_dir>/src/bin/medic-conf.js. This will run as if you installed via npm.
    2. To test changes that are imported in code run npm install <project_dir> to use the local version of medic-conf.


  1. Create a pull request with prep for the new release. This should contain changes to release notes if required and anything else that needs to be done. As commit messages should be clear and readable for every change, does not need to be updated for every single change. Instead, it should include information about significant changes, breaking changes, changes to interfaces, changes in behavior, new feature details, etc.
  2. Get the pull request reviewed and approved
  3. Run npm version patch, npm version minor, or npm version major as appropriate. This will:
    • Update versions in package.json and package-lock.json
    • Commit those changes locally and tag that commit with the new version
  4. Run npm publish to publish the new tag to npm
  5. git push && git push --tags to push the npm generated commit and tag up to your pre-approved pull request
  6. Merge the pull request back into master
  7. Announce the release on the CHT forum, under the "Product - Releases" category.

Releasing betas

  1. Checkout master
  2. Run npm version --no-git-tag-version <major>.<minor>.<patch>-beta.1. This will only update the versions in package.json and package-lock.json. It will not create a git tag and not create an associated commit.
  3. Run npm publish --tag beta. This will publish your beta tag to npm's beta channel.

To install from the beta channel, run npm install medic-conf@beta.

Build status

Builds brought to you courtesy of GitHub actions.


Copyright 2013-2019 Medic Mobile, Inc. [email protected]


The software is provided under AGPL-3.0. Contributions to this project are accepted under the same license.

