
Simple RFC 6838 media type parser and formatter


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Simple RFC 6838 media type parser.

This module will parse a given media type into it's component parts, like type, subtype, and suffix. A formatter is also provided to put them back together and the two can be combined to normalize media types into a canonical form.

If you are looking to parse the string that represents a media type and it's parameters in HTTP (for example, the Content-Type header), use the content-type module.


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install media-typer


var typer = require('media-typer')


var obj = typer.parse('image/svg+xml')

Parse a media type string. This will return an object with the following properties (examples are shown for the string 'image/svg+xml; charset=utf-8'):

  • type: The type of the media type (always lower case). Example: 'image'

  • subtype: The subtype of the media type (always lower case). Example: 'svg'

  • suffix: The suffix of the media type (always lower case). Example: 'xml'

If the given type string is invalid, then a TypeError is thrown.


var obj = typer.format({ type: 'image', subtype: 'svg', suffix: 'xml' })

Format an object into a media type string. This will return a string of the mime type for the given object. For the properties of the object, see the documentation for typer.parse(string).

If any of the given object values are invalid, then a TypeError is thrown.


var valid = typer.test('image/svg+xml')

Validate a media type string. This will return true is the string is a well- formatted media type, or false otherwise.




  • MIT
  • >= 0.8.0
  • Douglas Christopher Wilson
  • released 6/18/2014

