
An LCS Implementaion for Arrays and Strings
diff lcs longest common subsequence edit-distance array string


npm version

A Minimalistic Diff Implementation

Based on the algorithm proposed in "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations" (Myers, 1986). Works with Arrays and Strings.


$ npm install mdiff
import mdiff from 'mdiff';

let a = 'ABCABBA';
let b = 'CBABAC';
let diff = mdiff(a, b);

console.log("lcs='%s'", diff.getLcs());

let d = diff.scanCommon((aS, aE, bS, bE) => {
  console.log("  '%s' == '%s'", a.slice(aS, aE), b.slice(bS, bE));
console.log("edit-distance=%s", d);

d = diff.scanDiff((aS, aE, bS, bE) => {
  console.log("  '%s' -> '%s'", a.slice(aS, aE), b.slice(bS, bE));
console.log("edit-distance=%s", d);


var diff = mdiff(a, b, options)

Creates a diff-object.

  • a, b (strings or arrays): the items to be compared.
  • options
    • equal (function(aValue, bValue) ): a comparator that determines if two entries are supposed to be equal (default is just ===).
    • indexEqual (function(aIdx, bIdx) ): a comparator that determines if entries for two indices are supposed to be equal (default is to compare a[aIdx] with b[bIdx] by equal).

diff.scanCommon(cb, dMax)

Calls cb for each common slice and returns the edit-distance d.

  • cb (function(aS, aE, bS, bE)): reports the corresponding slices with these guarantees:
    • non-emptiness: aE - aS == bE - bS > 0
    • monotony: aS is not less than aE from the previous call. bS is not less than bE from the previous call.
    • equality: a.slice(aS, aE) is equal b.slice(bS, bE) with respect to equal.
    • minimality: The sum of all aS - aE is equal to (a.length + b.length - d) / 2 and there is no lesser d so that 'equality' holds.
  • dMax (optional): the maximum edit-distance to be handled. If the items' edit-distance happens to exceed this value, the function never calls cb and returns null.

diff.scanDiff(cb, dMax)

Calls cb for each difference and returns the edit-distance d. This is just the complement of scanCommon.

  • cb (function(aS, aE, bS, bE)): reports differences with these guarantees:
    • non-emptiness: aE - aS > 0 or bE - bS > 0
    • monotony: aS is not less than aE from the previous call. bS is not less than bE from the previous call.
    • equality: If in a all slices a.slice(aS, aE) are replaced by their corresponding b.slice(bS, bE), the result is equal to b with respect to equal.
    • minimality: The sum of all aS - aE plus the sum of all bS - bE is equal to d and there is no lesser d so that 'equality' holds.
  • dMax (optional): the maximum edit-distance to be handled. If the items' edit-distance happens to exceed this value, the function never calls cb and returns null.


Returns the longest common subsequence of a and b (as a's type) or null, if the items' edit-distance exceeds dMax.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Andreas Riedl
  • released 1/15/2016

