
An mdcss theme for jigSass. Based on Jonathan Neal's `mdcss-theme-github`
mdcss mdcss-theme jigsass theme

jigSass mdcss

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jigSass mdcss is a theme for mdcss based on Jonathan Neal's own mdcss GitHub theme.


Add mdcss and jigSass mdcss to your build tool:

npm install mdcss --save-dev
npm install mdcss-theme-jigsass --save-dev

Whenever mdcss is used, reference this theme.

    theme: require('mdcss-theme-jigsass')({ /* options */ })



The example keyword is used to render living examples of code in iframes.

<button>This is a button</button>

Specifying a language like example:html generates an example that is then followed by the original code block.

<button>This is a button</button>

Arguments that follow ,name:value may be used to customize the example iframes. For instance, the width or height of an example might be specified so that its contents adhere to a particular breakpoint.

<p>The desktop view.</p>

<p>The tablet view.</p>

<p>The mobile view.</p>


The color keyword is used to generate a visual palette of colors. Arguments that follow @name: value may be used to provide any additional details about a color.

@color: #ffffff @name: White
@color: #f8f8f8 @name: White Smoke
@color: #e7e7e7 @name: Whisper
@color: #777777 @name: Grey
@color: #565454 @name: Matterhorn
@color: #4078c0 @name: Steel Blue
@color: #333333 @name: Night Rider


The order heading detail is used to control the order of sections in the generated style guide. A negative order value will shift the item before non-ordered items, while a positive order value will push the item after non-ordered values.

section: First Section
order: -1

Attached to a subsection, the order detail will control the position of the subsection inside the section.

title:   Last Subsection
section: Third Section
order: 1


Options control the look and feel of the JigSass mdcss theme, as well as any iframe examples that may be used.


Type: String
Default: 'Style Guide'

The page title to be used by the style guide.


Type: String
Default: 'jigsass-logo.png'

The page logo to be used by the style guide.


Type: Array
Default: ['style.css']

A list of CSS files to be used by the theme.


Type: Array
Default: []

A list of JavaScript files to be used by the theme.


Type: String
Default: null

The base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within an example, including CSS and JavaScript references.

Type: String
Default: '_self'

The frame to open example hyperlinks from within an example.


Type: Array
Default: ['style.css']

A list of CSS files to be used by examples.


Type: Array
Default: null

A list of JavaScript files to be used by examples.


Type: Array
Default: null

A list of JavaScript files to be used by examples, inserted after the example.


Type: String
Default: 'background:none;border:0;clip:auto;display:block;height:auto;margin:0;padding:0;position:static;width:auto'

A string of styles applied to the <html> wrapping the example. These default styles are used to create a seamless effect with the styleguide.


Type: String
Default: 'background:none;border:0;clip:auto;display:block;height:auto;margin:0;padding:16px;position:static;width:auto'

A string of styles applied to the <body> wrapping the example. These default styles are used to create a seamless effect with the styleguide.

npm i mdcss-theme-jigsass


