
Math utility (ES6 polyfills and additional methods)
math polyfill distance trigonometry


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Math utility for node

Installing and testing

With npm do:

npm install mathp

To run the test suite, clone the repository and run the following command from the root directory:

npm test


  • Can be used as a drop-in replacement for the Math object.
  • Provide implementations of missing ES6 methods.
  • Doesn't modify the actual Math object.
  • Doesn't modify the Number prototype or rely on boxing of any kind.
  • Works in Titanium.
  • Supports deep requires for low footprint in browserify projects.

Current methods


All polyfills are tested with mocha+chai against the specifications described by the 25th revision of the draft for the 6th Edition of the ECMAScript Language to ensure optimal compliance.

Additional methods


  • sign1(value)
  • copySign(value, sign)
  • lerp(value1, value2, ratio)
  • limit(value, min, max)
  • scale(value, origMin, origMax, destMin, destMax)
  • factorial(value)
  • step(edge, value)
  • smoothstep(min, max, value)
  • smootherstep(min, max, value)
  • roundToPrecision(number, precision)
  • euclideanModulo(dividend, divisor)
  • flooredModulo(dividend, divisor)
  • truncatedModulo(dividend, divisor)
  • fract(value)


  • euclideanDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) : Euclidean distance
  • euclideanDistance3(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) : Euclidean distance for 3 dimensions
  • euclideanDistanceN(point1, point2) : Euclidean distance for N dimension(s)
  • manhattanDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) : Manhattan distance
  • manhattanDistance3(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) : Manhattan distance for 3 dimensions
  • manhattanDistanceN(point1, point2) : Manhattan distance for N dimension(s)
  • chebyshevDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) : Chebyshev distance
  • chebyshevDistance3(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) : Chebyshev distance for 3 dimensions
  • chebyshevDistanceN(point1, point2) : Chebyshev distance for N dimension(s)
  • minkowskiDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, p) : Minkowski distance
  • minkowskiDistance3(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) : Minkowski distance for 3 dimensions
  • minkowskiDistanceN(point1, point2, p) : Minkowski distance for N dimension(s)


  • sinc(value)
  • sec(value)
  • csc(value)
  • cot(value)
  • asec(value)
  • acsc(value)
  • acot(value)
  • sech(value)
  • csch(value)
  • coth(value)
  • asech(value)
  • acsch(value)
  • acoth(value)


  • toDegrees(radians)
  • toRadians(degrees)



  • isNaN(value)
  • isZero(value)
  • isNegativeZero(value)
  • isPositiveZero(value)
  • isFinite(value)
  • isInfinity(value)
  • isNegativeInfinity(value)
  • isPositiveInfinity(value)
  • isInteger(value)
  • isSafeInteger(value)


  • wshaper(value, min, max, shape)


Basic usage

var mathp = require('mathp');

var taxiDist = mathp.manhattanDistance(0, 0, 12, 15);
var cos120degree = Math.cos(mathp.toRadians(120));

Replacing the native Math object

var Math = require('mathp');

var taxiDist = Math.manhattanDistance(0, 0, 12, 15);
var cos120degree = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(120));

With deep requires

var manhattanDistance = require('mathp/functions/manhattanDistance')),
    toRandians = require('mathp/functions/toRadians'));

var taxiDist = manhattanDistance(0, 0, 12, 15);
var cos120degree = Math.cos(toRadians(120));

Projects using deep requires will only include the code they actually need whe bundled with browserify instead of the whole module.

Potential use cases

  • Generative art.
  • Procedural heightmap / world generation.
  • Anything that may benefit from some maths, and a lot of things do.


1.5.0 (2015.10.16) :

  • New implementation : fract.
  • Remove the test folder from the package downloaded from npm.
  • Updated dev dependencies.
  • Added automatic tests on the latest stable version of Node.js Travis.
  • Removed automatic tests on Node.js 0.10.x and iojs via Travis.

1.4.0 (2015.05.06) :

  • New implementations : euclideanDistance3, manhattanDistance3, chebyshevDistance3 and minkowskiDistance3 (much faster than the generic N dimensions functions).

1.3.2 (2015.03.28) :

  • Terseness refactor.

1.3.1 (2015.02.28) :

  • Add .editorconfig file.
  • Removed the builds and other unecessary files from the package downloaded from npm.
  • Updated dev dependencies.
  • Added automatic tests on Node.js 0.12.x and io.js via Travis.
  • Removed automatic tests on Node.js 0.11.x via Travis.

1.3.0 (2015.02.03) :

  • New implementations : isInteger, isSafeInteger.

Full history


  • Write better doc.


Most ES6 polyfills are taken from MDN where they were contributed by Mozilla Contributors under the Creative Commons CC-0 license (public domain). Minor improvements of said polyfills were contributed back to MDN.



npm i mathp


  • MIT
  • >= 0.10.0
  • Kevin Chapelier
  • released 10/16/2015

