
a speed dial component for Material UI
material-ui material design react-component react speed dial floating action button

Speeddial (enhanced Floating Action button) for Material-UI


A Speed dial according to the Material Design guide. Scroll down to "Speed dial" for an introduction.

Additionally to the Google referencem this component adds optional labels beneath the action buttons.


npm i --save react-mui-speeddial




import { SpeedDial, SpeedDialItem } from 'react-mui-speeddial';

// just some icons for illustration (example only):
import ContentAdd from 'material-ui/svg-icons/content/add';
import NavigationClose from 'material-ui/svg-icons/navigation/close';
import NewGameIcon from 'material-ui/svg-icons/av/playlist-add';
import NewPageIcon from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/note-add';

render() {
  return (
        <ContentAdd />
        <NavigationClose />
        label="new game"
        label="new page"


This shows a standard Floating Action Button (FAB) with a + icon. Once clicked, two mini FABs appear above and the main FAB transforms into a "close" icon.

<SpeedDial> props

  • open = You can use this property to manually open/close the speed dials. If not specified, then the component will control itself automatically.
  • effect = The appear/disappear effect to use during open/close. Available options are:
    • none
    • fade-staggered (default)
    • fade
    • slide
  • fabProps = props to pass to the internal <FloatingActionButton> component. Use this to style the FAB, for example.
  • fabContentOpen = children for the FAB in the closed state. This is usually an <SvgIcon> or <FontIcon> telling the user that clicking the FAB will open additional choices.
  • fabContentClose = children for the FAB in the opened state. If not specified, the value of fabContentOpen will be used instead.
  • onOpenCloseRequest = optional callback; called when the user clicks the main FAB
  • children = the children of the <SpeedDial> component should be <SpeedDialItem> instances (see below).
  • style = CSS style of the root container. Use this to position the FAB. Note that position must remain relative or absolute. You might also want to encapsulate the <SpeedDial> in a positioned parent container to avoid problems.
  • itemsPosition = show buttons above or below the main button

<SpeedDialItem> props

  • fabContent = usually a <SvgIcon> or <FontIcon> to specify the icon to display in the mini-FAB.
  • label = an optional label to display on the left of the mini-FAB. This can be a simple text or even other React components. The content is vertically aligned to the FAB.
  • onTouchTap = called when the user clicks the mini-FAB (not called when the label is clicked)
  • secondary, backgroundColor, style, iconStyle = material-ui FloatingActionButton exposed props


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Udo Giacomozzi
  • released 4/7/2017

