
a tape harness with life-cycle hooks.
tape test setup teardown tap


A tape test harness with "beforeEach", "afterEach", and "afterAll" lifecycle hooks. Also lets you add an identifying comment to the beginning of each test file's run.


var mask = require('masking-tape')

// a pretend module that overrides http requests, like sinon's fakeServer,
// perhaps
var mockServer = require('mock-server') 

var server = new mockServer
var test = mask('my bestest test', afterAll, beforeEach, afterEach)

function beforeEach() {
  // maybe we've got a dom available.
  document.body.innerHTML = '<div>test html</div>'

function afterEach() {

function afterAll() {

test('my coolestest test', function(t) {
   * This is just a normal tape test.


var test = mask(name, afterAll, beforeEach, afterEach)


  • name: a string to be printed as a comment before the test runs. Can have multiple lines: Each line will have # prepended to it.

  • afterAll: A function to be run after each test completes. This is necessary because by default tape runs all tests in the same environment, so leaving it out can pollute your test run.

  • beforeEach: A function to be run before each test begins. There is no functionality to schedule the next test after an asynchronous process specified in before completes. The next test will be queued as soon as this function returns.

  • afterEach: A function to be run after each tests completes. masking-tape does not support asynchronous function calls here, meaning that the next test will be queued as soon as this function returns.

Errors occurring in these functions are unhandled. Tracebacks should be easy to follow because of the complete lack of asynchronous support.

Return Value

A tape test harness.


The function returned by require('masking-tape') has an attribute attached to it called .stream. require('masking-tape').stream is a function that returns a stream. tape's stream of text data is piped into the returned stream in order to report test results. The "class" method is available to support tests, but you could also use it to report test results across a network, or in a browser. The default stream lives in lib/reporter.js

Why should I use this module as opposed to <insert module here>

This module implements its functionality without overriding any tape methods, or adding unnecessary clutter to tape's output. It simply makes a test harness, and creates an object stream which informs the client of the test's life-cycle.

The only caveat is we had to write a custom reporter stream for writing to stdout, since tape does not expose the reporter it uses internally.


Please see the contributing guidelines.



npm i masking-tape


