
Highlights code blocks in markdown-it using Prism.
markdown-it markdown-it-plugin highlight prism prismjs

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markdown-it plugin to highlight code blocks using Prism


const md = require('markdown-it')();
const prism = require('markdown-it-prism');

md.use(prism, options);

The plugin will insert the necessary markup into all code blocks. Include one of Prism’s stylesheets in your HTML to get highlighted code.


The options object may contain:

Name Description Default
highlightInlineCode Whether to highlight inline code. false
plugins Array of Prism Plugins to load. The names to use can be found here. Please note that some prism plugins (notably line-numbers) rely on the DOM being present and can thus not be used with this package (see #1). []
init A function called after setting up prism. Will receive the prism instance as only argument. Useful for plugins needing further intialisation. () => {}
defaultLanguageForUnknown The language to use for code blocks that specify a language that Prism does not know. No default will be used if this option is undefined. undefined
defaultLanguageForUnspecified The language to use for code block that do not specify a language. No default will be used if this option is undefined. undefined
defaultLanguage Shorthand to set both defaultLanguageForUnknown and defaultLanguageForUnspecified to the same value. undefined

Inline Code

When highlightInlineCode is set, inline code will be highlighted just like fenced code blocks are. To specifiy the language of inline code, add {language=<your-language>} after the code segment:

`class Demo { };`{language=cpp}

This syntax is compatible with markdown-it-attrs: The language=<x> part will be stripped, but everything else between { and } will work with markdown-it-attrs as usual.

Usage with Webpack

If you want to use this plugin together with Webpack, you need to import all languages you intend to use:

import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it';
import prism from 'markdown-it-prism';

import "prismjs/components/prism-clike"
import "prismjs/components/prism-java"

function component() {
    const md = new MarkdownIt();
    const element = document.createElement('div');
    element.innerHTML = md.render(`
Here is some *code*:
public class Test {
  public void foo() {}

    return element;


Beware: Prisms languages have dependencies onto each other. You need to import the languages together with their dependencies in the correct order.

npm i markdown-it-prism


  • MIT
  • >=6.0.0
  • Joshua Gleitze
  • released 8/30/2022

