
Map regular expressions via strings to objects
map key value object store regex parse handle regexp and 2 more...

manifold NPM version


documentation - examples - install - todo - not a real horse



var Manifold = require('manifold');
var app = new Manifold();

app.set('get /user/:page(\\d+)', {
  parent: 'get /user',
  handle: function getUserPage(){};

app.set('get /user', {
  picture: function getPicture(){
    // fetch that thing
  render: function markup(){
    // you know, some markup

app.get('get /user/10'); // =>
  notFound: false,
  path: 'get /user/10',
  url: '/user/10',
  match: 'get /user/10',
  params: { _: [ 'page' ], page: '10' },
  handle: [Function: getUserPage],
  picture: [Function: getPicture],
  render: [Function: markup]


The module.exports a constructor

var Manifold = require('manifold');

that takes no arguments

var manifold = new Manifold();

In all the following node refers to the object mapping path to object.

manifold.set([path, props])

set a path to regex mapping for an object


  • path type string

  • props type function or plainObject

  • when is a function it will be assigned to the props.handle

  • when is a plainObject, all option properties are passed first to a parser if there is one and if not, that property is cloned and assigned to the node props

returns this

The path is taken as a regular expression using the parth module, which uses the usual conventions on for path to regexp parsing. So you know... interesting things can happen.


manifold.set('get /user/:page(\\d+)', function getUserPage(){
  // do stuff

manifold.get('get /user/10');
// =>
  notFound: false,
  path: 'get /user/10',
  url: '/user/10',
  match: 'get /user/10',
  params: { _: [ 'page' ], page: '10' },
  handle: [Function: getUserPage]

manifold.get([path, options, mod])

get an object matching the given path, clone it if necessary


  • path, optional, type string
  • options, optional, type object with all extra information
  • mod, type object. If is a:
    • plainObject with property ref, the node found will not be cloned
    • regular expression, are the props to skip while cloning

returns the object (cloned/by reference) node found

In addition, if the node has a parent it will inherit its properties while cloning.


manifold.set('get /user/:page', {
  parent: 'get /user',
  handle: function getUserPage(){};

manifold.set('get /user', {
  picture: function getPicture(){
    // fetch that thing
  render: function markup(){
    // you know, some markup

manifold.get('get /user/10'); // =>
  notFound: false,
  path: 'get /user/10',
  url: '/user/10',
  match: 'get /user/10',
  params: { _: [ 'page' ], page: '10' },
  handle: [Function: getUserPage],
  picture: [Function: getPicture],
  render: [Function: markup]

instance properties

  • manifold.regex: regexes are stored here
  • key value store with all of the nodes stored


I Need it for the runtime module ;)

The project name is an homage to the concept of manifold. Beautiful creature of Math and Physics thought. BUT, this can't be considered the real thing. That is: this is not a manifold. I'd wish!


With npm

npm install manifold --save


Run the example.js file.


$ npm test

➜  manifold (master) ✓ npm test
    ✓ data creation should not fail
    ✓ sample data should be random
    ✓ add test data
    ✓ should parse properties when one sets them
    ✓ should support objects for setting parsers
    ✓ add test data
    ✓ should have properties ({ref: true})
    ✓ should have properties ({ref: true})
    ✓ should not have properties ({ref: true})
    ✓ should have properties ({ref: true})
    ✓ add test data
    ✓ should have children added after parent is set
    ✓ should have the same parent by reference
    ✓ property should not be enumerable after overwrite
    ✓ add test data
    ✓ should support single object as input
    ✓ should support array as input
    ✓ should have parent added after children were set
    ✓ should not be enumerable after overwrite
    ✓ should inherit from parent when

20 passing (35ms)



npm i manifold


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Javier Carrillo
  • released 10/11/2015

