
Malanka framework

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npm install --save malanka

Quick start

To quick start you can use Malanka Skeleton. It is already configured to server side rendering


Malanka is full stack framework with handlebars like template engine. It is compile into virtual dom with output to string or DOM tree. Data model pretty like to backbone, but with data streams like in baconjs.

Then main goal of framework is to create universal components, which must render on server and client and provide easy way to restore their state to continue work.

Events locks

Malanka has ability to merge same events, like debounce, but without timers. It is allowing to reduce calculations and DOM modifications. Events in this case will be triggered not in depth, but in width. This means, that deep value proxies pipes will be modified with delay, but will be synced anyway.

You can toggle this behavior with Planner static methods:

Planner.enableLock(); // Turn on
Planner.disableLock(); // Turn off

Warning! Do not use it on server, because it will cause undefined behaviour.

To prevent parasitic computing you can also tell Planner to wait until all operations are done:

Planner.lock(() => {
    model1.set('a', 1);
    model2.set('b', 2);

// Here all events will be already triggered 


All components and helpers accept all supported types:

    data-array=[1, 2, 3]
    data-object={ a: 1, b: 2 }
    data-helper={{multiple 1 2}}



Each helper allows to render collection, array or value proxy:

let data = {
    array: [1, 2, 3],
    collection: new Collection([
        {id: 1},
        {id: 2},
        {id: 3}

and template:

{{!-- Output: 123 --}}
{{#each data.array scope="value"}}


{{#each data.array scope="value" tagName="ul"}}


<!-- in fact CSS modules numbers class -->
<div class="numbers"> 
    <div>Value: <span>1</span></div>
    <div>Value: <span>2</span></div>
    <div>Value: <span>3</span></div>
{{#each data.array scope="value" class="numbers"}}
    Value: <span>{{value}}</span>

When Collection or ValueProxy passed malanka will be watching for updates

Short if helper

In some cases you can use short if statement instead of full block helper for more convenient record:

<div class="{{isVisible ? "visible" : "hidden" }}"></div>

it is equivalent to:

<div class="{{#if isVisible}}visible{{else}}hidden{{/if}}"></div>

Else block is not necessary:

<div class="{{isVisible ? "visible"}}"></div>

In case you want check variable and pass it or pass default value, you can write:

<div class="{{myClass ?: "defaultClass"}}"></div>

it is equivalent to:

<div class="{{#if myClass}}{{myClass}}{{else}}defaultClass{{/if}}"></div>

Template render pragma

Malanka supports special pragma for rendering components. It is use only during compilation and control rendering process


It is extract component to separate module with webpack promise-loader:

<div class="test">
    <Sidebar #bundle=true>
        <Navigation items=navigationItems>

In this example Sidebar and Navigation will be extracted in separate module and will be rendered on server as normal components, but will be initialize in Browser only after module loading. If rendering on client side only, then component appears on screen only after module loading.


If component want to make async operations before rendering you can specify #async pragma, which tells to Malanka wait until process complete:

<Avatar model=user #async=loadAvatar>
import {Component} from 'malanka';

export class Avatar extends Component {
    loadAvatar() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            let image = new Image();

            image.onload = resolve;
            image.onerror = reject;
            image.src = this.user.getAvatar();

Server rendering and client initialization will be waiting until process complete. Component appears only after promise resolve, if rendering starts on client side.


If component must be rendered only on server or only on client, you can specify #match pragma, which creates components only if matches define params on ComponentScanner:

// webpack.config.js

modules.exports = {
    // ...
    plugins: [
        new ComponentsScanner({
            define: {
                is_server: false,
                is_client: true
<ServerInfo #match="is_server">

<BrowserInfo #match="is_client">

In example above only BrowserInfo will be rendered, ServerInfo will not work.


You can combine pragmas with each other to create logic you want. For exmple, if you want render component on client only, after bundle and data loading you can write something like:


It will appear on user screen only after bundle loading and will resolve promise in loadStats method of UserStats component.


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 8/4/2016

