
Handle configurations for Holiday Extras

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All of the configs for all of the linters and some third party tools.



npm install make-up --save-dev

Any existing eslint ruleset will be removed from the current directory upon installation. You should ignore .eslintrc and .eslintcache from your version control system.


This library's functions can be run programmatically:

var makeup = require('make-up');
var options = {
  dirs: []
makeup.check(options, function(error, results) {
  • scss-lint - config: makeup.path( 'scss-lint.yml' )

Not that if you use Make-up with scss-lint, you need version 0.34+


Make-up currently features integrations with:

All integrations are enabled by default. You can use the -i command line switch to pass a comma separated list of explicitly enabled integrations. For example:

node_modules/.bin/make-up -i eslint

will only run the ESLint integration.

node_modules/.bin/make-up -i eslint,snyk

will run both the ESLint and Snyk integrations.


To lint all the files in specific directories run the following:

node_modules/.bin/make-up directory1 directory2

The current directory is always automatically included.

This will automatically download the lint ruleset from Holiday Extras culture repo and check any JS or JSX files found.

If any errors are found a non zero exit status will be returned equal to the number of errors.

Limiting by date

To only check files newer than a specific date, use the following option:

node_modules/.bin/make-up -s 'Sun, 09 Oct 2011 23:24:11 GMT' directory1 directory2
node_modules/.bin/make-up -s 'Tue Jun 09 2015 14:49:57 GMT+0100 (BST)' directory1 directory2

The -s (since) argument can be in any format that the JS Date constructor supports.

Limiting by changes compared to git branch

To only check files that were modified in the current git branch compared to a specified git branch (typically master), use the -b command line switch followed by the branch name as in the following example:

node_modules/.bin/make-up -b master directory1 directory2

⚠️Note: if the HEAD branch you're comparing the current branch with is no longer the branch point for the current branch (i.e. new commits were made there meanwhile), this switch will naturally also lint the changed files in the new commits of the branch you're comparing with. You'll need to merge or rebase he compare to branch to go back to linting only the changed files in the current branch.


To add a new integration to this project follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new js module in the lib/integrations directory.
  2. Make sure this module exports an object.
  3. Create a function named run on the new integration object, this will take three arguments; an options object, a writable stream and callback function.
  4. The run function will output any detail to the user using the provided stream.
  5. The run function will run the given callback in the usual node manner with the first argument being set as an error object and the second being the given writeable stream.
  6. Add the new integration to the checkIntegrations object in the index.js file.

Testing eslint configs

The script script/calculate_eslint_config.js can be used to show what exact config is used by eslint, this will include any autogenerated rules. This script expects one argument, which is a eslint config file.

npm i make-up

