
Intended to help keyboard navigation through html nodes.

Magic Focus Finder Bower version Build Status

Intended to help keyboard navigation through html nodes. Useful on Smart TV apps when people need to navigate with 4 directional remote.

Try out the demo

Tests can be run in a browser. python -m SimpleHTTPServer from the project root, then visit: . Should do a bower install first.

To run the test via CLI: npm test after doing a bower and npm install.

This is heavily influenced by (and sort of a rip off of) this repo: jquery.keyJumper

The diff will be

  1. no jQuery
  2. using mutation observers to know when new focusable elements are added / removed from the DOM. (Does not need to support native observers, we have fallback)
  3. full custom event support so that it will work with custom elements and dom binding libraries seamless.
  4. customizable key mapping so that I can use it with TV remote controls.
  5. wrap in integration tests
  6. semvar and bower
  7. amd compliant
  8. full wiki and examples page

define(['./vendor/magic-focus-finder/source/main'], function(magicFocusFinder) {

Options Object

  keymap : {},  //override the default browser keymap
  weightOverrideAttribute : 'weight-override', // weight-override-up, down, left, and right can be set to 'distance' or 'azimuth' and the other will be disregarded
  focusableAttribute : '', //override the default data attribute used to denote focusability
  focusedClass : '', // a focus class for non focusable elements
  defaultFocusedElement : '', // a element reference, or a selector
  container : '', //the container in which this thing lives, default to the document.,
  eventNamespace : '', //custom namespace for events, default to 'magicFocusFinder'
  overrideDirectionAttribute : 'focus-overrides',
  captureFocusAttribute : 'capture-focus',
  dynamicPositionAttribute : 'dynamic-position',
  useRealFocus : true, // Will trigger `blur` and `focus` on the actual elements, if set to false, bypass this.
  azimuthWeight : 5, // Higher value means that it will prefer elements in the direction it is going
  distanceWeight : 1, // Higher value means that it will prefer elements that are closer
  debug : false, // Setting to true will replace the elements innerHTML with the computed distance (weighted azimuth + weighted distance),
  attributeWatchInterval : 100, // If your browser does not support mutation observers. This is how often it will check the known elements for attribute changes.
  useNativeMutationObserver : true // You can force the repo to use the non native mutation observer fallback.

All elements with config.focusableAttribute can be given focus to. After starting and a key press, focus is given to config.defaultFocusedElement, or the first element found with config.focusdClass, or the first element found with the focusable attribute.


It will fire the following events in the following order - events bubble up and are cancelable, so you can listen on mff.getContainer() for all these events.

This example moves focus from Element One to Element Two

  1. losing-focus - on Element One - has { "from" : domElementOne }

  2. focus-lost - on Element One - has { "from" : domElementOne }

  3. gaining-focus - on Element Two - has { "to" : domElementTwo }

  4. focus-gained - on Element Two - has { "to" : domElementTwo }

  5. focus-moved - on Element Two - is the object:

        "direction" : "up|down|left|right",
        "from"      : domElementOne,
        "to"        : domElementTwo

Element level

  1. focus normal focus event
  2. blur normal blur event
  3. magicFocusFinder:focus:from:<% direction %> namespaced focus event telling you which direction the focus came from
  4. magicFocusFinder:blur:to:<% direction %> namespaced blur event telling you which direction the element was blurred to.

Container level


Not Implemented:

  1. magicFocusFinder:elementAdded event telling you a focusable element was added to the container.
  2. magicFocusFinder:elementRemoved event telling you a focusable element was removed from the container.


You can specify on a per element basis whether you want distance or azimuth to be the only factor in determining the next focused element. You have to specify up, down, left, or right following the weightOverrideAttribute. Element attributes will be watched for changes and appropriately updated.

<div weight-override-up='azimuth' focusable> </div>

You can specify on a per element basis if you want to override the default behavior of that direction fired. This will be recalculated on each movement so you can use this attribute to change the directional behavior in real time if you need. The direction overrides will take a normal single line selector. The order of the overrides occur 'up' 'right' 'down' and 'left'. You can also used the keys null and skip. Null will bypass the direction override for that direction. In the example below, when moving down it will use the default focus behavior. If you use the work 'skip' it will skip this direction entirely, essentially canceling the movement. In the example below, when you go left, nothing will happen. Please not, the selectors for the overrides need to be a simple word as we split the directions on a space. Also note, the selectors must exist in inside your configured container.

<div focus-overrides='.something-up #somethingRight null skip'></div>



configure the defaults, can be called at anytime to change the configuration



returns the current configuration



returns the overall container - events bubble up to this


starts the dang thing, if start is called before configure, then default options will be used.



Prevents all navigation from key events.



Allows navigation from key events.



will refresh the element mapping (should only be used if your browser does not support mutation observers) Otherwise it will watch the DOM for new elements.



set the current focused element, element ref or selector



get the current focused element, element ref of selector



Tell the focus to move in a direction, this will bypass a lock, if one was set via mff.lock().

mff.move.down({ events : false });

Can move up, down, left, or right. Can turn off all events for a move by setting the events key to false on the options object.


Returns an array of all elements that can be focused by mff.



destroy this thing and free up all memory javascript magicFocusFinder.destroy();


npm i magic-focus-finder


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Solid Interactive
  • released 4/5/2017
