
Get precious image info from an input file


:sunrise: Get precious image info from an input file

This module does one thing right, returns information about the image selected in a html input file.


$ npm i maggie -S


Log image width and height :fireworks:

import {getInfo} from 'maggie';

const inputElement = document.getElementById('my-input');

getInfo(inputElement, info => {
  console.log(`Image dimensions ${info.width}x${info.height}`);

Preview the selected image :ocean:

getInfo('#my-input', info => {
  const preview = document.getElementById('img-preview');

  preview.src = info.src;

Get the average color :alien:

getInfo('#my-input', info => {
  const data = info.imageData;
  const length = data.length;
  const channelCount = 4; //red, green, blue, alpha
  const colorCount = length / channelCount;
  let red = 0; let green = 0; let blue = 0;

  for (let i = 0; i < length; i += channelCount) {
    red += data[i];
    green += data[i + 1];
    blue += data[i + 2];
  red = Math.floor(red / colorCount);
  green = Math.floor(green / colorCount);
  blue = Math.floor(blue / colorCount);

  console.log(red, green, blue);

###Info Object

The returned info object has the following properties

Property Type Description
width Number Image width
height Number Image height
src String Image source
element HTMLImageElement Image Dom element
imageData ImageData ImageData element based on the image


@zzarcon :beers:

npm i maggie


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • zzarcon
  • released 7/19/2016

