
Recursive readdir (`ls -R`)


Recursive readdir (ls -R)

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npm install lsr


const {lsrSync, lsrAsync, lsrStream} = require('lsrc');
// Synchronous

// Promise
lsrAsync(__dirname).then(function (res) {

// Stream


Each file system entry is represented by a Stat object with the additional properties:

  • name: the file name (e.g. foo.txt)
  • path: the relative path to the file (e.g. ./subdir/foo.txt). This is always separated by / regardless of platform.
  • fullPath: the full path to the file (e.g. c:\\basedir\\foo.txt or /basedir/foo.txt). This is separated by the correct path separater for the platform.

lsrAsync(dir, options, callback)

Recursively lists the files and folders and calls the callback exactly once with the error or null as the first argument and an array of file system entries as the second argument.


  • ignoreErrors - if any stat calls result in an error, simply ignore that item
  • filter - a function that is called with a file sytem entry as its only argument and should return true to include that entry and any sub-entries in the result and false otherwise
  • filterPath - a function that is called with the path property of the file system entry (before the call to fs.stat) as its only argument and should return true to include that entry and any sub-entries in the result and false otherwise

If the callback is ommitted, a promise is returned instead.

lsrSync(dir, options)

Recursively lists the files and folders and returns an array of file system entries.


  • ignoreErrors - if any stat calls result in an error, simply ignore that item
  • filter - a function that is called with a file sytem entry as its only argument and should return true to include that entry and any sub-entries in the result and false otherwise
  • filterPath - a function that is called with the path property of the file system entry (before the call to fs.stat) as its only argument and should return true to include that entry and any sub-entries in the result and false otherwise

lsrStream(dir, options)

Recursively lists the files and folders and returns a stream of file system entries.


  • ignoreErrors - if any stat calls result in an error, simply ignore that item
  • filter - a function that is called with a file sytem entry as its only argument and should return true to include that entry and any sub-entries in the result and false otherwise
  • filterPath - a function that is called with the path property of the file system entry (before the call to fs.stat) as its only argument and should return true to include that entry and any sub-entries in the result and false otherwise
  • highWaterMark - the maximum number of file system entries to buffer before it should stop calling readdir and stat while it waits for the consuming stream to catch up



npm i lsr


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • ForbesLindesay
  • released 6/15/2017

