
Mailer component for loopback
loopback component mailer


This component adds a mailer to loopback. Templating is done with handlebars. The queue is handled by kue/redis. The sole transport is currently sendgrid, but the module is built to be easily extendable.


Redis >= 2.6.12



  1. Install in you loopback project:

npm install --save loopback-component-mailer

  1. Create a component-config.json file in your server folder (if you don't already have one)

  2. Configure options inside component-config.json. (see configuration section)

  "loopback-component-mailer": {
    "{option}": "{value}"
  1. Create a folder for storing templates.

The default location is /server/mailer/templates. This can be set in component-config.json (see below)



  • templatePath

    [String] : The location of of the email templates relative to the project root. (default: '/server/mailer/templates/')

  • namespace

    [String] : The name used for attaching to the loopback app object. (default: 'mailer')

  • redis

    [Object] : Config for connection to redis server. (default: { host:, port: 6379 })

  • email

    [Object] : Config email transport, currently only sendgrid and mailhog are supported. (default: { apiKey: '', transport: 'sendgrid', from: '', subject: '' })

    The apiKey is required for sendgrid only.

    You can use Mailhog to capture and display emails in local development. The simplest way is to spin up Mailhog in a docker container:

    docker run -p 8025:8025 -p 1025:1025 mailhog/mailhog

    You can then browse to localhost:8025 to see the emails that have been sent. If you run mailhog on non-default host or port (localhost:1025) then add the host and port into the configuration in your component-config.json:

      "loopback-component-mailer": {
        "email": {
          "host": "not-localhost",
          "port": 1212,
          "transport": "mailhog"


Mail templates are in handlebars format. The subject line for the email should be the first line in the template file and is identified using the following format:

SUBJECT::Your Email Subject

You can also use handlebars in the subject line, for example:

SUBJECT::Your Email regarding {{topic}}

Template files should have the extension .hbs

HTML Header/Footer

A static HTML header and/or footer can be added to HTML emails. Specify the path to the header/footer file(s) in the component config.


  "loopback-component-mailer": {
    "email": {
      "apiKey": "<yourApiKey>",
      "header": "/server/mailer/templates/header.html",
      "footer": "/server/mailer/templates/footer.html"

Sending mail from Loopback

When using the default namespace mailer, you can add to the mail queue with the following:

  app.mailer.send(templateName, emailData, callback)


  • templateName:[string] the name of your email template file
  • emailData: [object] example:
    to: <[email protected]>, // can be an array of recipients
    from: <[email protected]>, // only required if different from the default set in component-config.json
    bcc: <[email protected]>, // not required, can be an array of recipients
    cc: <[email protected]>, // not required, can be an array of recipients
    replyto: <[email protected]>, // not required
    msgVariables: {
      subjectVariable: 'New Subject',
      to: 'Myself',
      text: 'Integration Test'
  • to: the email address of the recipient
  • from: the email address of the sender (if different from the default set in component-config.json)
  • bcc: the email address(es) of the blind carbon copy recipient(s)
  • cc: the email address(es) of the carbon copy recipient(s)
  • replyto: the email address to set for reply-to
  • msgVariables: variables for use in the template file
  • callback: [function] this function will be called when the mail has been added to the queue
npm i loopback-component-mailer


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jonathan Prince
  • released 8/30/2023
