
Localization module
language translation locale identifier translate localization internationalization intl localize and 4 more...


Localization module allows you to translate words via dictionaries, localize numbers, currencies, dates.

You can use this library on both the client and server sides.


Via npm

npm install localizationjs

As a script

<script src="localization.min.js"></script>


const Localization = require("localizationjs");

// create a locale manager
const locale = new Localization({ defaultLocale: "en" });

// get the default locale
locale.getDefaultLocale() // >> { language: 'en' }

// set the current locale

// get the current locale
locale.getCurrentLocale() // >> { language: 'ru', country: 'RU }

// rewrite the default locale

// check the locale has right format
locale.getCurrentLocale() instanceof Localization.Locale // >> true

const dictonaryEN = {
  header: {
    title: "Hello!",
    description: "you can do everything",
    skills: [
  buttons: {
    event: "click",
    status: "ok",
    checkArrayParams: "click %% times before %% pm",
    checkObjectParams: "{{ hours }}:{{ minutes }} pm"

const dictonaryRU = {
  header: {
    title: "Привет!"

// add the dictionary for english language
locale.addDict("en", dictonaryEN);

// add the dictionary for russian language
locale.addDict("ru", dictonaryRU);

// check the current locale has priority
locale.translate("header.title"); // >> Привет!

// current locale has not this translation, so take it from the default
locale.translate("header.description"); // >> you can do everything

// pass the params as array
locale.translate("buttons.checkArrayParams", [5, "9:27"]); // >> click 5 times before 9:27 pm

// pass the params as object
locale.translate("buttons.checkObjectParams", { hours: "9", minutes: "27" }); // >> "9:27 pm" 

// get the value from an array
locale.translate("header.skills[1]"); // >> nodejs

// check the necessary translation exists
locale.hasTranslation("header.skills[0]"); // >> true
locale.hasTranslation("header.nonExistent"); // >> false

// date in the current locale format
locale.date(new Date()); 

// currency in the current locale format
locale.currency(279.99, "USD"); 

// number in the current locale format

// check the dicionary exists
locale.hasDict('en'); // >> true

// remove the dicionary

// check the manager has locale
locale.isLocale('es') // >> false
locale.isLocale('en') // >> true
locale.isLocale('ru') // >> true

Change signs of translation parameters

  const Localization = require("localizationjs");

  const locale = new Localization({ 
    defaultLocale: 'en_US',
    currentLocale: { language: "ru", country: "RU" },
    arraySign: '???',
    objectPattern: { start: "${", end: "}" }

  locale.addDict("en", {
    testNewArraySign: "Hello ???",
    testNewObjectPattern: "Hello ${ name }"

  locale.translate('testNewArraySign', ['world']); // >> Hello world
  locale.translate('testNewArraySign', { name: 'world' }); // >> Hello world

  // get non-existent translation by default (if undefined, it returns the key)
  locale.translate('nonExistent'); // >> nonExistent

  // get non-existent params by default
  locale.translate('testNewArraySign'); // >> "Hello "
  // change the value getting logic
  locale.translateValueHandler = function (value) {
    return value;

  locale.translateParamsHandler = function (value) {
    if(!value) {
      return "*";

    return value;

  // get non-existent translation with the manual handling
  locale.translate('nonExistent'); // >> Hello undefined

  // get non-existent params with the manual handling
  locale.translate('testNewArraySign'); // >> Hello *

Add all dictionaries from files we have to the locale manager

  const fs = require("fs");
  const Localization = require("localizationjs");

  const locale = new Localization({ 
    defaultLocale: 'en_us',
    currentLocale: 'ru-ru'
  const currentVariants = locale.getLocaleVariants(locale.getCurrentLocale());
  const defaultVariants = locale.getLocaleVariants(locale.getDefaultLocale());
  const variants = currentVariants.concat(defaultVariants);

  for (let i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) {
    const variant = variants[i];
    const filePath = "/dicts/" + variant + ".json";

    if(fs.existsSync(filePath))) {
      locale.addDict(variant, require(filePath));      
npm i localizationjs


  • MIT
  • >=10.13.0
  • Alexander Balasyan
  • released 4/18/2022

