
Locales collector from js sources.
i18n i18n-node i18n-for-browser locales



Locales collector from js sources.

Global usage

localer [...glob patterns to js source] [--strings to show code frames only for strings] [--html to generate html] [--summary to show list of added and unused locales] [--compare [...glob patterns to json] to show difference] [--exclude [...glob patterns to json] to exclude locales]


For example, you have this code:

const translate = __`Translate me!`; 
const withoutTranslation = __`Without translation`; 

and JSON file with translations:

    "Translate me!": "Переведи меня!",
    "Unused translation": "Неиспользованный перевод"

If you execute next command:

localer main.js --summary --compare ru.json

you'll get:


        Without translation

    Unused (maybe):
        Unused translation

File: main.js

String: Without translation

  1 | const translate = __`Translate me!`; 
> 2 | const withoutTranslation = __`Without translation`;
    |                            ^

Also you can create .localerrc.js file and define default parameters. Defaults:

module.exports = {
    sources:      [],
    transformers: [],
    exclude:      [],
    compare:      [],
    summary:      false,
    html:         false,
    strings:      false


class Locales(Array<LocaleSource>|Locales fromLocalesOrLocales, Array<String> fromUnused)


Array<String> tags = ['__', '__n']

Tagged literals.

Array<String> fns = ['__', '__n', '__mf', '__l', '__h']

Functions with one argument.

Array<String> fns2 = ['__n']

Functions with few argument.

Convert convert

ANSI to HTML instance.

Object babylonOptions

Babylon parser options.

Array<Function> transformers = []

Code transformers.

Array<LocaleSource> locales = []

Locales soruces.

Array<String> unused = []

Unused locales.


Locales from(Locales locales)

Import data from other instance.

Locales copy()

Create copy of this.

Locales fromCode(String code, String file)

Collect locales from source code.

Promise<Locales> fromFiles(String maskOrMasks)

Collect locales from JavaScript source files by glob pattern.

Locales exclude(Array<String|LocaleSource>|Object<String,any> arrayOrObjectToExlcude)

Exclude given locales from locales and unused.

Promise<Locales> excludeFiles(String|Array<String> maskOrMasks)

Exclude locales getted from JSON files from locales and unused.

Locales diff(Array<String|LocaleSource>|Object<String,any> arrayOrObjectBase)

Get difference between locales parsed from JavaScript sources and locales.

Promise<Locales> diffFiles(String|Array<String> maskOrMasks)

Get difference between locales parsed from JavaScript sources and locales from JSON files.

String terminalReport(Boolean withSummary = false)

Generate report for terminal.

String htmlReport(Boolean withSummary = false)

Generate report as html.

class LocaleSource(String|LocaleSource fileOrLocaleSource, String code, Node node, String fn, String string)


String file

Path to file.

String type

Type of node.

Number line

Line of token.

Number column

Column of token.

String fn

Function name.

String string

Locale string.

String codeFrame

Code frame.


Locales from(LocaleSource localeSource)

Import data from other instance.

LocaleSource copy()

Create copy of this.

npm i localer


  • MIT
  • >=4.0.0
  • dangreen
  • released 9/17/2017

