
Node's `require` with a few extra features
load require module package

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Standard dynamic imports intended for runtime loading of user-defined modules (e.g. plugins).

  • Search for modules in one or more specific folders.
  • Specify a base folder from which to resolve from (e.g. the current working directory).


import { loadModule } from 'load-module'

const ViewClass = await loadModule('default-view', { paths: '~/my-view-folder'})
const view = new ViewClass()


loadModule(specifier, options)

Kind: exported function

Param Type Description
specifier string A valid Node.js module specifier.
options.paths string[] One or more directories to pass to both loadModuleResolvedFrom and loadModuleRelativeTo.
options.resolvedFromPaths string[] Specific directories to pass to loadModuleResolvedFrom.
options.relativeToPaths string[] Specific directories to pass to loadModuleRelativeTo.


Kind: exported function

Param Type Description
specifier string A valid Node.js module specifier.

loadModuleResolvedFrom(specifier, paths)

Kind: exported function

Param Type Description
specifier string A valid Node.js module specifier.
paths string | Array.<string> One or more additional directories from which to resolve the supplied specifier from.

loadModuleRelativeTo(specifier, paths)

Kind: exported function

Param Type Description
specifier string A valid module path.
paths string | Array.<string> One or more additional directories in which to search for the supplied module path.

© 2017-24 Lloyd Brookes <[email protected]>.

Tested by test-runner. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.


  • MIT
  • >=14
  • Lloyd Brookes
  • released 4/24/2021

