
[OBSOLOTE] API for LiveReactload browser integrations
react reload real-time browserify plugin development

LiveReactload browser API

ATTENTION! This module is not working with LiveReactload 2.x.x, hence it should NOT be used anymore. Many popular JS libraries support hot reloading by default.


// npm install --save livereactload-api
var lrApi = require('livereactload-api')


This method sets the event listener which is triggered when reloading event occurs. It takes one callback function that takes no arguments.

lrApi.onReload(function() {
  var currentState = lrApi.getState() || window.INITIAL_STATE_FROM_SERVER
  React.render(...use currentState to render your root component ...)

If LiveReactload transformer is not set, then this method is no-op.

.setState([name], newState)

This sets the state that can be used when next bundle is reloaded. You can set multiple state by using name as a first argument. Name is not mandatory. Calling this method sequentially overrides the old values.

lrAPI.setState('socket', socket)

If LiveReactload transformer is not set, then this method is no-op.


Restores the state. You can also retrieve named state objects by giving an optional name argument. If state is not found then undefined is returned.

var global = lrAPI.getState()
var socket = lrAPI.getState('socket')

.expose(clz, id)

Provides a way to expose private inner components to LiveReactload so that their state can be propagated across reload events.

ATTENTION: In LiveReactload version 0.5.0, automatic class detection was introduced to React.createClass so ES6 inner classes are the only use case for this method.

class MyClass extends React.Component {

MyClass = lrApi.expose(MyClass, 'MyClass')

Note that id is mandatory and it must be unique. You can for example use __dirname to ensure uniqueness.

If LiveReactload transformer is not set, then this method is no-op.

npm i livereactload-api


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Matti Lankinen
  • released 10/18/2015

