
Runner module for Literium web-framework.
runner virtual-dom client server literium framework

Literium Web-application runner

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This project is part of Literium WEB-framework.


The runner includes some independent parts which can be used to run your application. The application must be implemented as a component. Same components can be run both on client to interact with user or on server to build HTML pages.

Component runner


export interface Run<State, Event> {
    (app: Component<State, Event>, elm?: Node): void;

function init<State, Event>(doc: Document = document): Run<State, Event>;

The proper way to run your app on client is like so:

// import polyfills

// import runner parts (initializer)
import { init } from 'literium-runner/es/client';

// import application component (initializer)
import { main } from './main';

// initialize runner
const run = init();

// initialize app
const app = main();

// run app using runner on whole document (full-page app)

// run app using runner on a body node
run(app, document.body);

Additional parts

Depending on your needs you does or doesn't use additional parts.

Base URL

The first thing that we would like to determine before application runs is a base URL.

Usually Web-applications available from root of Web-site, so related-links, resources and requests can use the protocol and domain as base URL.

To get base URL you can use getBase() as described in examples below.

On client (uses Location object of window):

import { getBase } from 'literium-runner/es/client';

getBase(window) // => "https://example.tld"

On server (uses Host header of request):

import { getBase } from 'literium-runner/server';

getBase(window) // => "http://example.tld"

Preferred language

Internationalized applications requires a way to determine preferred language from user environment.

You can get user-preferred languages using getLangs() as described below.

On client it tries to determine language from Navigator.

import { getLangs } from 'literium-runner/es/client';

getLangs(window) // => ['ru', 'en', ...]

On server it determines language using Accept-Language header of request.

import { getLangs } from 'literium-runner/server';

getLangs(request) // => ['ru', 'en', ...]

Navigation API

Modern user-agents provides advanced History API which allows client-side navigation (also known HTML5 History API). This allows us speed-up our apps by reducing direct client-server interaction (i.e. from now we won't need requesting html pages itself at all).

Navigation API provided by literium is simple:

interface Nav<AppEvent> {
    // change path events handling
    on(fork: Fork<AppEvent>): void;
    // set local path checker
    is(fn: (path: string) => boolean): void;
    // process navigation directly
    go(url: string): void;
    // process click to link event
    ev(evt: Event): void;

type SetPath = Keyed<'path', string>; /* change path event */

Your application can accept SetPath event.

Set navigation event listener using on() and local path checker using is() on creating your application.

Use go() to change current path manually or ev() to process clicks on links locally.

Initializing navigation on client:

import { initNav } from 'literium-runner/es/client';

const nav = initNav(window); // => Nav<Event extends SetPath>

Initializing navigation on server:

import { initNav } from 'literium-runner/server';

const nav = initNav(request); // => Nav<Event extends SetPath>


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • K.
  • released 3/20/2018

