
CLI to identify all descendant imports of a ts file
ts-morph tree import


CLI to identify all descendant imports of a ts file



  • :checkered_flag: Fast - Uses ts-morph to analyze the AST import specifiers of a typescript project
  • :large_blue_circle: .ts
  • :see_no_evil: Omits imports from node_modules and just picks up your source code
  • :evergreen_tree: cp the resolved tree - Optionally copies the resolved import tree to a new directory for analysis or refactoring. The original relative directory structure is retained
  • :wrench: Configurable - Functionality for complicated typescript projects and use cases


ts-lineage takes a typescript file, extracts its dependencies via ts-morph, resolves each relative import to a file on the filesystem, then "recursively" performs those steps on the descendant imports until all relative imports are resolved.


npm install lineage-ts


  • -f, --file <string>(required): path to the root file)
  • -tsc, --tsconfig <string>(optional): path to a typescript config
  • -dir, --destDir <string>(optional): directory to copy the resolved dependency tree to
  • -dbg, debug <boolean>(optional): Run in debug mode

Use cases

  • Debugging and performance testing: When analyzing a single element in a large application, it can be useful to extract only the relevant code to remove any potential side effects and complications from the main app.
  • Refactoring: When moving an application to a new architecture, it can be cumbersome to manually cp over files that relate to the refactor target.

Prior Art

node-dependency-tree is a generic tool for analyzing dependencies that works for multiple languages and module types. lineage-ts is exclusively for typescript, uses ts-morph, and has a utility for cp'ing the resolved dependency tree to a new dir


lineage-ts --help
npm i lineage-ts


  • MIT
  • >=18
  • Andrew Moss
  • released 1/15/2023

