
Index and filter LevelDB databases and watch for future changes.
data binding json index filter match leveldb levelup map

Match Index for LevelDB

Index and filter your database objects in the way they will be rendered using matchers.

Follows the JSON Context matcher pattern allowing datasources to automatically be generated from matchers, then watch for realtime changes.

It is used internally by ContextDB for the matcher indexing.


$ npm install level-match-index


This module must be used with LevelUP and level-sublevel.

var LevelUp = require('levelup')
var Sublevel = require('level-sublevel')
var MatchIndex = require('level-match-index')

var db = Sublevel(LevelUp('/tmp/database-name', {
  encoding: 'json' // need to use json encoding for indexing to work

Now lets specify some indexes. Decide what attributes you want to query your objects by, and what attributes to filter by. You can use any filter supported by JSON Filter.

var indexes = [
  { $name: 'one_post',
    type: 'post',       // there is nothing special about type or id, any
    id: {$index: true}  //    attribute may be specified here
  { $name: 'many_comments',
    type: 'comment',
    postId: {$index: true}

var matchDb = MatchIndex(db, indexes)

Now if we put objects into our db instance, they will automatically be indexed based on above.

var post = {

  id: 'post-1', // used for matching as specified above
  type: 'post', //

  title: 'Typical Blog Post Example',
  body: 'etc...',
  date: Date.now()
var comment1 = {
  id: 'comment-1',

  type: 'comment', // used for matching as specified above
  postId: post.id, //

  name: 'Matt McKegg',
  body: 'cool story bro',
  date: Date.now()

  {key: post.id, value: post, type: 'put'},
  {key: comment.id, value: comment1, type: 'put'}

Time to render our page:

function getPageContext(postId, cb){

  var result = { currentPage: null, comments: [] }


    // we must specify the $name and *all* attributes we marked with $index
    {$name: 'one_post', id: postId},
    {$name: 'many_comments', postId: postId}

  ], { tail: false }).on('data', function(data){

    // save the data somewhere useful
    if (data.value.type === 'post'){
      result.currentPage = data.value
    } else if (data.value.type === 'comment'){

  }).on('end', function(){

    cb(null, result)


getPageContext('post-1', function(err, result){
  var html = renderer.render('blog-post', result)


require('level-match-map')(db, indexes)

Specify a sublevel extended db and an array of indexes. An instance of matchDb will be returned.

If the indexes have changed since last time, all objects in db will be re-indexed.


Returns the original index object as passed in that matches specified $name.

matchDb.createMatchStream(matchers, options)

Returns a level-live-stream emitting a sync event when all current data has been emitted. Call end to stop receiving realtime updates, or specify tail: false in options to cause the stream to automatically close once synced.


  • tail: defaults to true. Whether to close stream once all current data has been emitted or continue to get live updates.
  • deletedSince: Objects with the key _deleted: true are not included in the stream by default. Use deletedSince with ms timestamp to access these.


Force the database to re-index all objects. Shouldn't be necessary, as this should happen automatically as needed.


Indexes can only be specified at initialization, and from then on only referred to by $name. If a database is later initialized with changed indexes, the database will automatically re-index.

You can mark as many attributes with {$index: true}, but all must be specified when calling createMatchStream. The other attributes are checked using JSON Filter to see if the object should be included in the index.

npm i level-match-index


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Matt McKegg
  • released 11/23/2013

