
An event emitter with hierarchies
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An event emitter library with chainable hierarchies.


  • Browser:
<script type="text/javascript" src="leafy.min.js"></script>
  • Node:
npm install leafyjs


You can create a new Leafy 2 ways:

var leafy = new Leafy();


var leafy = Leafy.create();

You can mixin a Leafy instance into any object with the mixin method:

var obj = {};


obj.on("test", function() {



####Instance Methods:

  • on(event, fn): Binds an event to the leafy instance.

    • event:String: The event to bind to.
    • fn:Function: The function to call when the event is triggered.
    • Returns unbind:Function: A function that unbinds the listener.
  • off(event, [fn]): Unbinds an event to the leafy instance.

    • event:String: The event to unbind.
    • [fn:Function]: The listener to unbind. If omitted, all listeners for that event will be removed.
  • once(event, fn): Binds an event to the leafy instance that is removed after it is called once.

    • event:String: The event to bind to.
    • fn:Function: The function to call when the event is triggered.
    • Returns unbind:Function: A function that unbinds the listener.
  • emit(event, [...args]): Emits an event on the leafy instance.

    • event:String: The event to emit.
    • [...args:*]: Arguments to pass to the listeners.
  • emitUp(event, [...args]): Emits an event on the leafy instance and upward through the hierarchy.

    • event:String: The event to emit.
    • [...args:*]: Arguments to pass to the listeners.
  • emitDown(event, [...args]): Emits an event on the leafy instance and downward through the hierarchy.

    • event:String: The event to emit.
    • [...args:*]: Arguments to pass to the listeners.
  • emitSibling(event, [...args]): Emits an event on the leafy instance and all sibling leafy instances. A sibling is any instance that shares the same parent.

    • event:String: The event to emit.
    • [...args:*]: Arguments to pass to the listeners.
  • linkChild(leafy): Adds a leafy instance as a child.

    • leafy:Leafy: The leafy instance to add.
    • Returns Leafy: The leafy instance passed in.
  • linkParent(leafy): Adds a leafy instance as a parent.

    • leafy:Leafy: The leafy instance to add.
    • Returns Leafy: The leafy instance passed in.
  • unlinkParent(leafy): Removes a leafy instance as a parent.

    • leafy:Leafy: The leafy instance to remove.
    • Returns Leafy: The leafy instance passed in.
  • unlinkChild(leafy): Removes a leafy instance as a child.

    • leafy:Leafy: The leafy instance to remove.
    • Returns Leafy: The leafy instance passed in.
  • destroy(): Removes all links and listeners. This should be called when removing the leafy. Not doing so can cause memory leaks. If a child node has only one parent that is the destroyed node, that child's destroy method will be invoked also, otherwise the child will be unlinked.

  • isDestroyed(): Returns whether the node is destroyed.

    • Returns Boolean: Whether the node is destroyed.

####Static Methods:

  • mixin(obj): Mixes a leafy instance into any object.
    • obj:Object: The object to mixin.
  • create(): Creates a new Leafy instance. An alternative to using the new operator.
    • Returns Leafy: A new leafy instance.


  • Directions (Useful for checking the direction of the event):
    • UP
    • DOWN
    • FLAT
var parent = new Leafy();
var child = new Leafy();


parent.on("test", function(event) {
  if (event.getDirection() === Leafy.UP) {
    // Do something only when event is going up


####Event Methods:

  • isPropagationStopped(): Returns whether the propagation is stopped.

    • Returns Boolean: Whether the propagation is stopped.
  • stopPropagation(): Prevents the event from moving to the NEXT level. The event continues to be fired on the current level, but will not move up/down. This only effects events that are emitted through the emitUp and emitDown methods.

var parent = new Leafy();
var child = new Leafy();


child.on("test", function(event) {

child.on("test", function(event) {
  // This listener will still get called even though we called stopPropagation on the previous listener

parent.on("test", function(event) {
  // This listener WILL NOT GET CALLED

child.emitUp("test", "woot!");
  • getDirection(): Returns the direction of the event.

    • Returns Direction: The direction of the event.
  • getEventName(): Returns the event name.

    • Returns String: The event name.
  • getTarget(): Returns the target leafy.

    • Returns Leafy: The target leafy
  • transformValues(...args): Transforms any additional arguments. The new values will only be available to the next level. This only effects events that are emitted through the emitUp and emitDown methods.

    • ...args:*: Arguments to pass to the listeners.
var parent = new Leafy();
var child = new Leafy();


child.on("test", function(event, param) {
  console.log(param); // woot!


child.on("test", function(event, param) {
  // Even though we transformed the value in the last listener
  // it only takes effect when moved to the parent/child
  console.log(param); // woot!

parent.on("test", function(event, param) {
  console.log(param); // blorg!

child.emitUp("test", "woot!");
  • getValues(): Returns the additional arguments associated with the event.
    • Returns Array: An array of values.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Steven Sojka
  • released 5/28/2014

