
LaunchDarkly SDK for React
launchdarkly launch darkly react sdk bindings

LaunchDarkly SDK for Browser JavaScript - React Wrapper


This is an optional React wrapper for the LaunchDarkly SDK for browser JavaScript SDK. It builds upon the JavaScript SDK, supporting all of the same functionality, but using React's Context API to provide additional conveniences:

  • Easy initialization and usage with React.
  • Feature flags as camelCased props.
  • Subscription to flag changes out of the box.

For a general overview of JavaScript SDK characteristics, see the main README. Also see the online React SDK Reference.


This SDK needs React >= 16.3.0 because it uses the Context API.


yarn add ldclient-react


  1. Call the withLDProvider function with your clientSideID and then pass the resulting function your root React component:

    import { withLDProvider } from 'ldclient-react';
    const App = () =>
        <Home />
    export default withLDProvider({ clientSideID: 'your-client-side-id' })(App);
  2. Anywhere you need flags, call the withLDConsumer function and then pass your component to the resulting function. Your flags are available via props.flags:

    import { withLDConsumer } from 'ldclient-react';
    // flags are available via props
    const Home = ({ flags }) => {
       return flags.devTestFlag ? <div>Flag on</div> : <div>Flag off</div>;
    export default withLDConsumer()(Home);


withLDProvider(config: { clientSideID: string, user?: LDUser, options?: LDOptions, flags?: LDFlagSet })

withLDProvider is a function which accepts a config object which is used to initialise ldclient-js. It returns a function which accepts your root react component and returns a HOC. This HOC does three things:

  • It initializes the ldClient instance by calling the initialize method of ldclient-js on componentDidMount

  • It saves all flags and the ldClient instance in the Context API

  • It subscribes to flag changes and propagate them through the Context API


config: { clientSideID: string, user?: LDUser, options?: LDOptions, flags?: LDFlagSet }

clientSideID: string

This is the clientSideID specific to your project and environment. You can find this in under account settings in your LD portal. This is the only property required to use the React SDK.

user?: LDUser

This user will be used to initialize the SDK. For more info about users, check here. If not specified, ldclient-react will create a default user that looks like this:

 const defaultUser = {
   key: uuid.v4(), // random guid
options?: LDOptions

These options will be used to customise the ldClient instance. To see what options are available, check the JS SDK reference. For example:

     options: {
       bootstrap: 'localStorage',
flags?: LDFlagSet

You can explicitly specify the flags available to your app by setting this property. This is a flat key value object where key is the feature flag key (as shown on your LaunchDarkly dashboard, not the camelCased version) and value is the default value of the flag. Under the hood, the React SDK calls ldClient.variation on each flag you specify here. If unspecified, the React SDK will call ldClient.allFlags which is equivalent to calling variation on all the flags exposed to the JS SDK.

Explicitly specifying flags might give you better usage statistics than calling allFlags. However you will need to maintain this list when you are adding new flags or removing old ones. For example, the code below makes dev-test-flag and another-flag available to your app and subscribes to them. All other flags are ignored.

     flags: {
       'dev-test-flag': false,
       'another-flag': false,


The return of withLDProvider is a function that takes your root React component and returns a HOC with flags and ldClient saved in the Context API.

Example Usage

import React from 'react';
import { withLDProvider } from 'ldclient-react';
import Home from './home';

const App = () => (
    <Home />

export default withLDProvider({
  clientSideID: 'your-client-side-id',
  user: { key: 'some-user-key' }, // optional
  options: { bootstrap: 'localStorage' }, // optional

withLDConsumer(options?: { clientOnly: boolean })

withLDConsumer is a function which accepts an optional options object. It returns a function which accepts your component and returns a HOC injected with flags and ldClient props.

Use withLDConsumer anywhere you need flags and ldClient. Your flags will be available as camelCased properties under this.props.flags and ldClient as this.props.ldClient.


options: { clientOnly: boolean } = { clientOnly: false }

clientOnly: boolean

If your component only needs the ldClient instance but not flags, set this to true. By default this is false meaning your component will get both flags and the ldClient instance.


The return of withLDConsumer is a function that takes your component and returns a HOC with flags and the ldClient instance injected via props.

Example usage:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withLDConsumer } from 'ldclient-react';

class Home extends Component {
  // track goals
  onAddToCart = () => this.props.ldClient.track('add to cart');

  // change user context
  onLoginSuccessful = () => this.props.ldClient.identify({ key: 'someUserId' });

  render() {
    // access your flags through this.props.flags
    return <div>{this.props.flags.devTestFlag ? <div>Flag on</div> : <div>Flag off</div>}</div>;

export default withLDConsumer()(Home);


Check the example for a fully working spa with react and react-router. Remember to enter your clientSideID in the client root app file and create a flag called dev-test-flag in your dashboard before running the example.

Alternatives from the community

Third-party developers have created their own React interfaces for the LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK:

npm i ldclient-react


