
RxJS-based predictable state container for JavaScript applications
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Lazyx is the predictable state container for JavaScript applications built on top of RxJS 5. It is highly inspired by Redux and provides the same functional-style approach.

In fact, Lazyx is just a thin layer on top of RxJS. It provides a system to use RxJS more effective and simplifies some regular actions.

Note: It is an alpha release. API might change any time. Don't use in the production.


$ npm install --save lazyx


Lazyx is based on the idea of predefined data transformation pipe (aka Data Pipe). This idea is very like the Redux concept, so if you know it, you could find following descriptions very familiar. Lazyx is consists of three parts:

  • Trigger,
  • Transformer,
  • Store.


Let's define Trigger at first.

Trigger is the start point of Data Pipe. It sends the information payload through to the Transformer to change it current state and notify all its subscribers.

Trigger is the simple RxJS Subject, that you can import to the component module and use its next method to start the data transformation process.

Here is an example Trigger for creating a new todo item:

import {Subject} from 'rxjs';

const addTodo$ = new Subject();

  text: 'Build my first Lazyx app',

If you have an observable sequence of observables like an array or an object, you can use special SubjectMap of Lazyx to simplify creating Trigger for sequence elements.

import {SubjectMap} from 'lazyx';

const todoToggle$ = new SubjectMap();

const id = 1;

SubjectMap signature is following:

interface SubjectMap {
  get(id: any); // get existing Subject with specified `id` or creates new one
  remove(id: any); // removes Subject with specified `id`

SubjectMap allows you to run the trigger with specified id and use only the one Transformer this Subject belongs to.


Transformer is the main part of Lazyx. It receives signals from a number of Triggers, changes inner state and sends the update to all subscribers it has.

Here is an example of Transformer:

import {Observable, Subject} from 'rxjs';
import 'lazyx/es/add/operator/apply';

export const increase$ = new Subject();
export const decrease$ = new Subject();

export const counter$ = Observable.of(0)
    increase$.map(payload => state => state + payload),
    decrease$.map(payload => state => state - payload),

Note: operator apply is the shorthand for scan((state, reducer) => reducer(state)).

If you expect that your Transformer would have dynamic initial state, just put it into the function:

import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {SubjectMap} from 'lazyx';
import 'lazyx/es/add/operator/apply';

export const toggleTodo = new SubjectMap();

let id = 0;

const initialState = () => ({
  id: id++,
  text: '',
  completed: false,

function todo(state = initialState()) {
  return Observable.of(state)
        .map(() => state => ({ ...state, completed: !state.completed }))

export default todo;

We will call these functions TransformerCreator. They have following signature:

export interface TransformerCreator {
  <T>(state: T): Observable<T>;
  <T, U>(state: T): Observable<U>;

If you have an observable sequence to create, use special function mergeCollection provided by Lazyx.

It can be done in the following way:

import {Observable, Subject} from 'rxjs';
import 'lazyx/es/add/operator/mergeCollection';
import todo from './todo'; // the function we defined in the previous example

export const addTodo = new Subject();
export const removeTodo = new Subject();

function todos(state = []) {
  return Observable.of(state)
    .mergeCollection(addTodo, removeTodo, todo)

export default todos;

Function mergeCollection has the following signature:

type Reducer<T> = (state: T) => T;
type TransformerCreator = (state: T) => Observable<T>;

type ArrayState<T> = Observable<T>[];
type ObjectState = {[key: string]: Observable<any>};

function mergeCollection<T>(this: Observable<ArrayState<T>>, addTrigger: Subject<T>, removeTrigger: Subject<number>, create: TransformerCreator): Observable<Reducer<ArrayState<T>>>;
function mergeCollection(this: Observable<ObjectState>, addTrigger: Subject<[string, any]>, removeTrigger: Subject<string>, create: TransformerCreator): Observable<Reducer<ObjectState>>;

Note: if you use observable object, you have to send property key in the addition Trigger.


Store is a global Transformers holder. It main responsibilities are following:

  • Hold all the Transformers together in the hierarchical structure that improves accessibility and allows to pass them down, e.g., through the React context.
  • Provide tools to work with the dynamic initial state, e.g. if it is loaded from the server.
  • Provide tools for adding middlewares.

To create a store you should use createStore function of Lazyx. It has following signature:

function createStore(transformers: TransformersMap): Store;
function createStore(transformers: TransformersMap, initialState: JSONObject): Store;
function createStore(transformers: TransformersMap, middlewares: Middleware[]): Store;
function createStore(transformers: TransformersMap, initialState: JSONObject, middlewares: Middleware[]): Store;


interface TransformersMap {
  [key: string]: TransformersMap | TransformerCreator | Observable<any>

JSONObject represents standard JSON object, you can see its signature in typings.d.ts.

Store has following signature:

export interface Store {
  attach(transformers: TransformersMap): void;
  getTree(): any;

Note: initialState should reflect transformers map but use data instead of transformers.

So, to create a store, just put your transformers to objects and send the final object to the createStore function.

import {createStore} from 'lazyx';
import todos from './todos';

const store = createStore({

export default store;

Unfortunately, there are no typings for object returning by getTree method due to current Typescript restrictions (issue). When this issue is solved, these typings will be added.



Middleware is a function that starts after transformer produces its result but before this result is emitted to the subscribers. Middlewares is implemented with RxJS let function, so, it can change the Transformer or let is unchanged.

In common, middleware is a function that receives a Transformer and returns it. Middleware signature is following:

export interface Middleware {
  <T>(transformer: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
  <T, U>(transformer: Observable<T>): Observable<U>;

So, the simple middleware can look like following:

function loggerMiddleware<T>(transformer: Observable<T>): Observable<T> {
  return transformer
    .do(({name, value}) => console.log(name, value));

Parameter name is the whole path to current Transformer in the Transformers map divided by period with store in the beginning. E.g. "store.nested1.nested2" for

const transformers = {
  nested1: {
    nested2: Observable.of(1)


How can you create an ajax-request using Lazyx? You can use the ajax method of RxJS and combine it with Transformers in the following way.

Let's imagine that we want to get user data from Github API, take repository url from it and send it to subscribers. User nickname will be sended by Trigger.

import {Observable, Subject} from 'rxjs';

const loginTrigger = new Subject();

const repoUrl = Observable.of(null)
    login => 
        ? Observable.ajax.getJSON(`${login}`)
            .map(response => response.html_url)
        : Observable.empty()

As you can see, there is no Lazyx-specific stuff, only RxJS.

Trigger Extending

If you want to make Trigger run stricter, you can just extend RxJS Subject and add methods that calls Subject's next method with predefined objects. For example:

import {Subject} from 'rxjs';

class AddTodo extends Subject {
  next(text: string): void {{ text });

const addTodo$ = new AddTodo();

addTodo$.next('Build my first Lazyx app');



npm i lazyx


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Vlad Rindevich
  • released 6/9/2017

