
A constructor function for data validation on both the server and client, inspired by the Laravel PHP framework. The API is very similar to that of the Laravel Validator class.
A port of the Validator class in the Laravel PHP MVC framework to JavaScript



Browser usage:
  1. Include validator.js or validator.min.js script onto your page from the distribution folder (dist).
  2. Invoke the Validator constructor function. See below for details on Validator parameters and validation rules.
Node.js Usage:
    npm install laravel-validator-for-js
  • On your node.js script, require the module.
    var ValidationModule = require('laravel-validator-for-js');

    var validation = new ValidationModule.Validator({
        name: 'John',
        age: 45,
        email: ''
    }, {
        name: 'required',
        age: 'numeric',
        email: 'required|email'
  • Invoke the Validator constructor function.


The 1st argument to the constructor is an object that contains the data you want to validate.

The 2nd argument is an object that contains the validation rules.

#####Example 1:

    var data = {
        email: '[email protected]'
    var rules = {
        email: 'email'

    var validation = new Validator(data, rules);
    validation.passes() // true
    validation.fails() // false

To apply validation rules to the input object, use the same object key names for the rules object.

#####Example 2:

    var rules = {
        name: 'required|size:3',
        email: 'required|email'

    var data = {
        name: '',
        email: ''

    var validation = new Validator(data, rules);

    validation.fails(); // true

###Validation Rules

  • required - Checks if the length of the String representation of the value is > 0
    username: 'required'
  • email - Checks for an @ symbol followed by a period
    address: 'email'
  • size - Validate that an attribute is a given length, or, if an attribute is numeric, is a given value
    duration: 'size:2'
  • min - Validate that an attribute is at least a given size.
    payment: 'min:10'
  • max - Validate that an attribute is no greater than a given size
    cost: 'max:100'
  • numeric - Validate that an attribute is numeric. The string representation of a number will pass.
    age: 'numeric'

Note: All minimum and maximum checks are inclusive.

###Public Instance Methods

  • passes() - returns boolean
  • fails() - returns boolean
  • first(attribute_name) - returns first error message for string attribute_name, or null if no error message exists

See SpecRunner.html for Jasmine tests and examples


  • BSD
  • >= 0.6.0
  • David
  • released 2/6/2013

