
Efficient (de)compression package for AWS Lambda
aws brotli compression decompression gzip lambda serverless tarball


lambdafs TypeScript Donate

Efficient (de)compression package for AWS Lambda, supporting Brolti, Gzip and Tarballs


npm install lambdafs --save-prod


This package provides a brotli CLI command to conveniently compress files and/or folders.

npx lambdafs /path/to/compress

The resulting file will be a (potentially tarballed) Brotli compressed file, with the same base name as the source.

Due to the highest compression level, it might take a while to compress large files (100MB ~ 5 minutes).


The nodejs12.x or nodejs14.x AWS Lambda runtime is required for this package to work properly.

const lambdafs = require('lambdafs');

exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
  try {
    let file = __filename; // /var/task/index.js
    let folder = __dirname; // /var/task

    // Compressing
    let compressed = {
      file: await lambdafs.deflate(file), // /tmp/index.js.gz
      folder: await lambdafs.deflate(folder), // /tmp/task.tar.gz

    // Decompressing
    let decompressed = {
      file: await lambdafs.inflate(compressed.file), // /tmp/index.js
      folder: await lambdafs.inflate(compressed.folder), // /tmp/task

    return context.succeed({ file, folder, compressed, decompressed });
  } catch (error) {


deflate(path: string): Promise<string>

Compresses a file/folder with Gzip and returns the path to the compressed (tarballed) file.

The resulting file will be saved under the default temporary directory (/tmp on AWS Lambda).

Due to costly execution time on AWS Lambda, Gzip is always used to compress files.

inflate(path: string): Promise<string>

Decompresses a (tarballed) Brotli or Gzip compressed file and returns the path to the decompressed file/folder.

The resulting file(s) will be saved under the default temporary directory (/tmp on AWS Lambda).

Supported extensions are: .br, .gz, .tar, (and .tbr), .tar.gz (and .tgz).

For tarballs, original file modes are perserved. For any other files 0700 is assumed.


Getting large resources onto AWS Lambda can be a challenging task due to the deployment package size limit:

Limit Context
50 MB Zipped, for direct uploads.
250 MB Unzipped, S3 and layers.

For this reason, it's important to achieve a very high compression ratio as well as fast decompression times.

This is where the Brotli algorithm comes in:

Brotli Benchmarks

It allows us to get the best compression ratio and fast decompression times (at the expense of a slow compression).




  • MIT
  • >= 10.16
  • Alix Axel
  • released 2/5/2021

