
Ken Sheedlo's Keystone client
keystone openstack identity auth rackspace


A Keystone client implementation with caching.


$ npm install ksks



Creates a Keystone client with the specified options. These may include

  • cache - A cache. It should be API compatible with node-cache-manager caches, meaning it should support the following functions:

    set(key, val, ttl, cb)
    get(key, cb)
    del(key, cb)

    where key is a string, val can be anything, ttl is an integer number of seconds and cb is a callback for the result.

  • identityEndpoint - The Keystone identity endpoint to use, as a string. Defaults to https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tokens.

client#authenticate(props, cb)

ksks.authenticate(props, cb)

Authenticates and returns an access response to the calback. props is a hash containing the following keys:

  • username - REQUIRED The username to log in as.
  • apiKey - The API key to use. If it is not supplied, a password must be used instead.
  • password - The password to use. If it is not supplied, an API key must be present.

The callback takes two arguments (err, res) where err is the error that occurred, if any, and res.access is the access from Keystone containing an access token and a service catalog.

When called as a client method, this function uses the configuration that the client was initialized with. When called as the function on ksks, it uses a default configuration and default in-memory cache.

ksks.endpoint(catalog, props)

Parses the existing catalog for a public endpoint satisfying the specified criteria. Criteria are specified in the props configuration object and may include:

  • service - The name of the service, e.g., 'cloudBlockStorage'. This argument is required.
  • region - The desired region as a 3-letter code, e.g., 'HKG'. If not specified and the requested service has more than one region, the region will be chosen arbitrarily.


Parses the catalog and returns the auth token.


  username: 'test',
  password: 'secretlol'
}, function (err, catalog) {
  var endpoint = ksks.endpoint(catalog, { service: 'cloudMonitoring' }),
    token = ksks.token(catalog);

    method: 'GET',
    uri: endpoint + '/entities',
    json: true,
    headers: {
      'x-auth-token': token,
      accept: 'application/json'
  }, function (err, res, body) {
    // body contains your monitoring entities
npm i ksks


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ken Sheedlo
  • released 1/17/2015

