
DRY interface for Angular.js tests in Jasmine/Karma.
karma angular tests dry jasmine


Travis   npm

  • npm: npm install kiwi-js


Kiwi.js attempts to provide a DRY interface for your Jasmine/Karma unit tests – requiring less code to write your tests, and making them easier to read. It is a wrapper around the Jasmine test suite.



In order to demonstrate Kiwi.js, consider your basic controller test which requires injecting your $rootScope, instantiating a new scope and then instantiating your controller with the scope instance:

inject(function($rootScope, controller) {

    var scope = $rootScope.$new();
    $controller('KiwiController', { scope: scope });


With Kiwi.js you can write the above code in one line and it is much more intuitive:

var controller = kiwi.controller.create('KiwiController');


Loading a fixture requires the karma-html2js-preprocessor module – follow the instructions there for modifying your Karma configuration file.

By default the fixtures are configured to point to a specific location – likely you'll want to change that, and that can be done in the beforeEach hook:

beforeEach(function() {



Syntax-wise the path method accepts a string that is parsed using the $interpolate service and therefore the {{name}} will become the property that is passed in when you're reading a fixture.

Once you've configured your Karma configuration and paths above, you can load a fixture for a controller, service, or directive with ease:

var people = kiwi.controller.fixture('people');


For a controller you require a scope that is injected into the controller, and all of the methods and properties reside on the scope.

Therefore you can instantiate your controller and immediately begin adding your assertions.

var controller = kiwi.controller.create('PeopleController');

Injecting dependencies can be achieved with the second argument of the create method – which accepts an object of dependencies:

var controller = kiwi.controller.create('PeopleController', {
    PeopleService: function PeopleServiceMock() {}


Kiwi.js does not provide a way for services to be created since they exist as injectable entities. Instead Kiwi.js only provides a way to supply fixtures to services.

it('Should be able to inject the service;', inject(function(PeopleService) {

Fixtures for services behave in the same way as they do for the controllers.


Directives can be somewhat difficult in testing because they often have many scopes. Kiwi.js has the philosophy that if you can find the root scope of the directive, then finding child scopes are as simple as using the find method to traverse the DOM. Therefore Kiwi.js returns the root scope of the directive – whether it's an isolated scope directive or not.

var directive = kiwi.directive.create('pets');
expect(typeof directive.html.find).toEqual('function');

From there you can affect the behaviour of the directive and respond accordingly. For example, to initiate a click event we can use Angular's triggerHandler method:

var directive = kiwi.directive.create('pets');

In initiating the pets directive, the pets.html fixture will be read from the fixture path and then compiled with a directive.

npm i kiwi-js


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Adam Timberlake
  • released 8/8/2014

