
Kinvey JavaScript SDK for BackboneJS application.
Kinvey JavaScript Backbone

Kinvey BackboneJS SDK

Kinvey (pronounced Kin-vey, like convey) makes it ridiculously easy for developers to setup, use and operate a cloud backend for their mobile apps. They don't have to worry about connecting to various cloud services, setting up servers for their backend, or maintaining and scaling them.

This npm package makes it very easy to connect your BackboneJS app with Kinvey.

How to use

1. Sign up for Kinvey

To use the SDK, sign up for Kinvey if you have not already done so. Go to the sign up page, and follow the steps provided.

2. Install the SDK

You can install the package using npm:

npm install kinvey-backbone-sdk --save


use our DevCenter Download Page to download the SDK and save it to a file named kinvey-backbone-sdk.js in your project.

3. Configure the SDK

If you installed the SDK with npm, include the sdk in your code using require.

var Kinvey = require('kinvey-backbone-sdk');

If you downloaded the SDK and saved it to a file, add a script tag to your main html file to load the SDK.

<script src="path/to/kinvey-backbone-sdk.js"></script>

Next, use Kinvey.initialize() to configure your app in your main JS file. Replace <appKey> and <appSecret> with your apps app key and secret. You can find these for your app using the Kinvey Console App.

    appKey: '<appKey>',
    appSecret: '<appSecret>'
  .then(function(activeUser) {
    // ...

What’s next?

You are now ready to start building your awesome apps! Next we recommend diving into the User guide or Data store guide to learn more about our service, or explore the sample apps to go straight to working projects.


Execute npm run build to build the package.


TravisCI will deploy the pacakge to NPM.

  1. Checkout the master branch.
  2. Update the
  3. Execute npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease | from-git]. See Version Management for more info on incrementing the version.
  4. Done.

Version Management

Updating the package version should follow Semantic Version 2.0.0:

  • Major (x.0.0): when making an incompatible API changes.
  • Minor (3.x.0): when adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner.
  • Patch (3.0.x): when making backwards-compatible bug fixes or enhancements.


Note: Before running any tests you will need to run npm install to install any dependencies required.

Unit Tests

The steps for running the unit tests is as follows:

  1. Open a terminal window and execute npm test.

End to End Tests

The steps for running the end to end tests is as follows:

Start Selenium Web Server

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Change directory to the location of the project.
  3. Execute npm run e2e:server. Keep this terminal window open.

Start App

Requirement: Execute npm install -g yo generator-kinvey-html to globally install Yeoman and generator-kinvey-html. You only need to do this once.

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Change directory to the location of the project.
  3. Execute npm run e2e:app. Keep this terminal window open.

Run End to End Tests

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Change directory to the location of the project.
  3. Execute npm run e2e:test.


See LICENSE for details.


See for details on reporting bugs and making contributions.


