
A test suite containing karma, karma-webpack, mocha, chai, sinon. Everything you need to get on your feet to unit test!
webpack karma sinon chai test suite


We all use the same tools to test across all of our different repositories. With the karma-test-suite, you can keep your dependency chain clean by only having to install one package and use karma as you would normally!

This suite includes:

  • karma
  • mocha
  • chai
  • sinon
  • isparta code coverage
  • phantomjs launcher
  • webpack
  • ignore-loader (to process files that include scss)

Here's an example karma.config:

    basePath: '',
    browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
    client: {
        mocha: { ui: 'bdd' }
    colors: true,
    files: [
        // your files here!
        // example_file.js
    frameworks: [
    plugins: [
    port: 9876,
    preprocessors: {
        'example_file.js': ['webpack', 'sourcemap']
    reporters: ['dots'],
    phantomjsLauncher: {
        exitOnResourceError: true
    webpack: {
        module: {
            loaders: [{
                test: /\.js$/,
                loader: 'babel-loader',
                exclude: /node_modules/
            }, {
                test: /\.(sass|scss)$/,
                loader: 'ignore-loader'
        resolve: {
            extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx']
        externals: {
            'react/lib/ExecutionEnvironment': true,
            'react/lib/ReactContext': true
    webpackMiddleware: {
        noInfo: true
npm i karma-test-suite


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Tom Beute
  • released 6/16/2016

