
A frontend styleguide development toolkit
frontend styleguide sass rollup fractal esnext

kalong—a frontend styleguide development toolkit

Kalong is a collection/combination of different tools, to help you get started creating your own frontend styleguide, with easy reusable components. It is based on Fractal and a collection of custom gulp-tasks to get you started fast.


Kalong is intended to be cloned, configured and setup as the core of your project, so instead of npm-installing this, you should rather clone this project:

git clone https://github.com/webgefrickel/kalong.git ./newproject

After successfully cloning kalong, run npm install in the folder you cloned it into to install all needed dependencies.

Setting everything up

Open up the file kalong.config.js, change the title of to match your project and bump the version-number, if you want to. If you have a local server running (like Apache or nginx), you should create a subdomain and point this vhost to the public-folder. This step is optional, but highly recommended.

Start coding!

Open up a terminal and run npm start and the development-server will fire up, and you can start creating new components, templates and whatever you want.


Create a build

You have a new release of your styleguide ready? Run npm run build to create a production-ready version of the styleguide, with minified JavaScript and CSS and everything you need.

Where should I put my stuff?

All your Sass, JavaScript, Images and SVGs that you want to use in your stylesheets and all fonts should go into their respective folders in ./src/.

All those files are gonna be parsed/compiled/minified/concatenated/copied to the dest-Folder in public by the gulp tasks. The idea here is: keep all your sources in the src-folder, let gulp do the heavy lifting.

Everything else, that is HTML, CMS, PHP or whatever should be public (favicons, editorial images, documents etc.), should reside in the folder ./public.

Thanks to



Feel free to open issues and send me pull requests.


Steffen Rademacker @webgefrickel


kalong is published under the MIT License

npm i kalong


  • MIT
  • ^8.9.4
  • Steffen Rademacker
  • released 3/9/2018

