
Lightweight React-like JSX runtime with the basics.
react jsx jsx-runtime jsx-renderer tsx tsx-runtime tsx-renderer

JynXS: A tiny custom JSX Runtime

JynXS is a lightweight, ~3KB JSX runtime that implements the very basics of a modern UI library without relying on React.

This project is very experimental and a proof of concept. Not recommended for production use.

Core Features

  • Custom JSX runtime implementation
  • Supports functional components (only)
  • Supports async components, also with a fallback. It means you don't need to wrap your components in Suspense.
  • Basic hooks implementation:
    • useState for state management
    • useEffect for side effects
  • Event handling
  • Supports ref as prop, to access DOM elements
  • TypeScript support


  • Support both class and className, and integrate with clsx, so arrays and conditional classes are supported.
  • Add a useGlobalState hook to manage and subscribe to global state in a very simple way
  • Better HTML attribute types
  • Add SSR compatibility
  • Support and handle sync/async functions in form's action: (data: FormData) => Promise<void>
  • Implement cache() to avoid expensive tasks on re-renders

We won't add support for more complex features like advanced context, portals, style objects, custom hooks, etc.

Getting Started

  1. Install the package with any package manager:

    pnpm add jynxs
    # or
    npm install jynxs
    # or
    bun add jynxs
  2. Configure your tsconfig.json to use the JynXS runtime:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "jsx": "react-jsx",
        "jsxImportSource": "jynxs"
  3. Configure your Vite project to transpile JSX with esbuild:

    // vite.config.ts
    import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      esbuild: {
        jsxFactory: 'jsx',
        jsxFragment: 'Fragment',
      // ...

That's it!

Usage Example

An example of how to use the JynXS runtime can be found in src/example.tsx.

This file demonstrates the usage of functional components, async components, state management, effects, and event handling.

Building for Production

To create a production build:

pnpm build

Technologies Used

  • Vite + esbuild
  • Custom JSX Runtime
  • TypeScript

No Babel or Webpack needed to transpile the JSX, esbuild is used instead.


MIT License


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Javi Aguilar
  • released 9/5/2024

