
A react component for Ace Editor
ace ace editor react-component react brace


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A react component for Ace / Brace


npm install react-ace


import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import brace from 'brace';
import AceEditor from 'react-ace';

import 'brace/mode/java';
import 'brace/theme/github';

function onChange(newValue) {

// Render editor
    editorProps={{$blockScrolling: true}}

Looking for a way to set it up using webpack? Checkout example directory for a working example using webpack.

Available Props

Prop Description
name Unique Id to be used for the editor
mode Language for parsing and code highlighting
theme theme to use
height CSS value for height
width CSS value for width
className custom className
fontSize pixel value for font-size
showGutter boolean
showPrintMargin boolean
highlightActiveLine boolean
readOnly boolean
minLines Minimum number of lines to be displayed
maxLines Maximum number of lines to be displayed
tabSize tabSize number
value String value you want to populate in the code highlighter
onLoad Function onLoad
onBeforeLoad function that trigger before editor setup
onChange function that occurs on document change it has 1 argument value. see the example above
onCopy function that trigger by editor copy event, and pass text as argument
onPaste function that trigger by editor paste event, and pass text as argument
onFocus function that trigger by editor focus event
onBlur function that trigger by editor blur event
editorProps Object of properties to apply directly to the Ace editor instance
keyboardHandler String corresponding to the keybinding mode to set (such as vim)
commands Array of new commands to add to the editor

Modes, Themes, and Keyboard Handlers

All modes, themes, and keyboard handlers should be required through brace directly. Browserify will grab these modes / themes / keyboard handlers through brace and will be available at run time. See the example above. This prevents bloating the compiled javascript with extra modes and themes for your application.

Example Modes

  • javascript
  • java
  • python
  • xml
  • ruby
  • sass
  • markdown
  • mysql
  • json
  • html
  • handlebars
  • golang
  • csharp
  • coffee
  • css

Example Themes

  • monokai
  • github
  • tomorrow
  • kuroir
  • twilight
  • xcode
  • textmate
  • solarized dark
  • solarized light
  • terminal

Example Keyboard Handlers

  • vim
  • emacs
npm i juttle-react-ace


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • James Hrisho
  • released 3/8/2016

