
Server code for the Just Login module



Server for the Just Login module.

The constructor takes a just-login-core constructed object


Will need the Just-Login-Core module also. (Or an object that closely resembles a Just-Login-Core.)

Install both with npm:

npm install just-login-server-api just-login-core


Require both:

var Jlsa = require('just-login-server-api')
var Jlc = require('just-login-core')

Set up the server-api with a core and the core with a levelup database:

var level = require('level-mem')
var db = level('uniqueNameHere')
var jlc = Jlc(db)
var jlsa = Jlsa(jlc)

##jlsa methods


jlsa.createNewSession(function (err, api, sessionId) {
    if (!err) {
        console.log(api) //logs { beginAuthentication: [Function],
                         //       isAuthenticated: [Function],
                         //       unAuthenticate: [Function] }
        console.log(sessionId) //logs the session id string

###jlsa.continueExistingSession(sessionId, cb)

jlsa.continueExistingSession(sessionId, function(err, api, sessionId) {
    if (!err) {
        console.log(api) //logs { beginAuthentication: [Function],
                         //       isAuthenticated: [Function],
                         //       unAuthenticate: [Function] }
        console.log(sessionId) //logs the session id string
    } else if (err.invalidSessionId) {
        console.log("bad session id passed to continueExistingSession")
    } else {
        console.log("error:", err.message)

##api methods

These methods are from the api argument from either createNewSession() or continueExistingSession().


Checks if a user is authenticated. (Logged in.)

  • cb is a function with these arguments: err, contactAddress.
    • err is null if there was no error, and is an Error object if there was an error.
    • contactAddress is null is the user is not authenticated, and is a string of their contact address if they are authenticated.

Example of an authenticated user:

jlc.isAuthenticated(function(err, contactAddress) {
    if (!err)
        console.log(contactAddress) //logs: "[email protected]"

Example of an unauthenticated user:

jlc.isAuthenticated(function(err, contactAddress) {
    if (!err)
        console.log(contactAddress) //logs: "null"


The just-login-core emits an event with a secret token and the contact address, so somebody can go send a message to that address. This event is emitted when jlc.beginAuthentication is called. When using the just-login-core and the just-login-server-api together, the just-login-core will emit an event when the just-login-server-api's beginAuthentication() is called.

  • contactAddress is string of the user's contact info, (usually an email address).


jlsa.beginAuthentication("[email protected]")

jlc.on('authentication initiated', function(authInit) { //Note that this is jlc, not jlsa
    console.log(authInit.token)     //logs the secret token
    console.log(authInit.sessionId) //logs the session id

(Suggestion: use the Just-Login-Emailer or my fork of the same emailer to catch the event.)


Logs a user out.

  • cb is expected to be a function with the following argument:
    • err is either null or an error object.


jlc.unauthenticate(function(err) {
    if (err)
        console.log("error:", err.message) //this is expected for invalid tokens (not previously logged in)
        console.log("you have been logged out") //this is expected for valid tokens (previously logged in)


