
For visualizing the internal and external dependencies of a JavaScript codebase. Takes a directory to analyze and outputs a graph representation in HTML.


For visualizing the internal and external dependencies of a JavaScript codebase. Takes a directory to analyze and outputs a graph representation in HTML.

Uses esprima and estraverse to walk the syntax tree, pick out any require() calls, and generate a dependency graph. Generates an HTML file and uses d3 to visualize the graph. Example output (of this project):

jsviz of jsviz


From the command line, pass in a directory (that you want analyed) and an output file:

npm i -g jsviz

jsviz ~/taco-project > taco-project-viz.html

From JavaScript:

npm i jsviz
var jsviz = require('jsviz');

// Grab the dependency graph
jsviz.graph('~/taco-project', function (err, graph) {


// Turn the graph into html
jsviz.html(graph, function (err, html) {

npm i jsviz


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Jeff Carpenter
  • released 1/12/2015

