
Strongly Typed Fast and lightweight JSON RPC 2.0 Client for Nodejs

JSONRPC Typescript

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Strongly 💪 Typed JSON RPC 2.0 Client for Nodejs

Fully tested to comply with the official JSON-RPC 2.0 specification

Quick Overview

By Declaring events using a simple interface mapping methods names to their parameters to get Strongly Typed, Fast and Modern Rpc client for your service.


npm i jsonrpc-ts


First you need to define your Methods, that could be achieved by creating an interface of methods name and there parameters.

// we have a service that can do math,
// and it has this methods
interface MathService {
  // a method called sum that accepts 2 args of type number
  sum: [number, number];
  // methods can have named paramerter too.
  sub: { left: number; right: number };
  // or if you need return type, you can have that too :)
  sumWithReturnType: ({ x, y }: { x: number; y: number }) => number;

then import RpcClient and start making requests

import { RpcClient } from 'jsonrpc-ts';

const rpcClient = new RpcClient<MathService>({ url: '...' });
// now you have a strongly typed methods.
// try to change [3, 2] to ['3', '2'] and the typescript compiler will catch you !
const response = await rpcClient.makeRequest({
  method: 'sum',
  params: [3, 2],
  id: 1,
  jsonrpc: '2.0',
// response.data.result === 5

// response2.data.result has type of number :)
const response2 = await rpcClient.makeRequest({
  method: 'sumWithReturnType',
  params: { x: 3, y: 2 },
  id: 2,
  jsonrpc: '2.0',
// response2.data.result === 5


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Shady Khalifa
  • released 10/5/2018

