
JSON compatible serializer and deserializer for javascript.
json serialize javascript object serializer


The purpose of this library is to have a generic object serialization tool that is JSON compatible (by default). Apart from JSON.stringify(object) compatible json.serialize(object) function, json.serialize can be passed with config options json.serialize(object, config), which properties can be described:

  • excludedInstances=undefined Array of instances that will be excluded from object tree elements (instanceof check)
  • level=undefined Level number (>=1) that serializer should not go below
  • excludedTypes=undefined Array of types that will be excluded from object tree elements (typeof check)
  • excludedNames=undefined Array of property names that will be excluded from object tree elements
  • own=undefined If use hasOwnProperty should be used while checking if object property will be added
  • excludeOnTrue=undefined function reference that will be used to decide which elements will be included
  • dateAsString=true How date will be returned
  • raw = false dont use "json" standard output and serialize real values (undefines, dates as numbers etc)
  • includeFunctions=false if functions will be ignored or not, if not, they will be treated like objects
  • fakeFunctions = false if includeFunctions is used, this options tell to return blank function instead of traversing it as object
  • realFunctions = false if includeFunctions is used, functions will be returned as their "toString()" values
  • prettyPrint=false return output "prettyfied", it does not prettify functions contents.

By default json.serialize(object) will output normal JSON, same as known JSON.stringify.

json have following features:

  • does not pollute Object.prototype - it is simple static function
  • implementation is very minimal and kept simple (feel free to commit to work)
  • delivers function json.parse which is a similar method to JSON.parse, with a simpler regex used.

If you have any queries or sugesstions please write to [email protected]

npm i json-serializer


  • LGPL:
  • Whatever
  • Peter Fronc
  • released 11/29/2018
