
Customizable and hackable json-validator and json-schema utilities for traversal, data generation and validation


Customizable and hackable json-validator and json-schema utilities for traversal, data generation and validation

This package offers tools and utilities to work with json-schema, create and validate data. Unfortunately, most packages, editors or validators do not care to expose basic json-schema functionality. Instead of small memory footprint or high performance, this package focuses on exposing utilities for browser and node environments and lessens the pain to build custom tools around json-schema.

⚠️ This documentation refers to the upcoming release version 10, which can be installed by npm install [email protected]. For the latest release please refer to the documentation of version 9.3.5

draft methods | draft extensions | draft customization | breaking changes


yarn add json-schema-library

Npm package version CI

This library currently supports draft4, draft6, draft7 and draft2019-09 features @see benchmark


json-schema-library exposes a Draft for most json-schema drafts. Each Draft can be instantiated and offers a common set of actions working on the specified json-schema version. Example:

import { Draft04, Draft06, Draft07, Draft2019, Draft, JsonError } from "json-schema-library";
import myJsonSchema from "./myJsonSchema.json";
import myData from "./myData.json";

const jsonSchema: Draft = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const errors: JsonError[] = jsonSchema.validate(myData);

What follows is a description of the main draft methods.

Draft support

json-schema-library supports almost all draft features. This sections lists currently unsupported features for each draft

Draft 2019-09

Currently unsupported core features:

  • $vocabulary - meta-schemas are not parsed for enabled features
  • unevaluatedItems: uncle-schema - evaluation of uncle-schemas is not supported. Properties will be return as evaluated
  • unevaluatedProperties: uncle-schema - evaluation of uncle-schemas is not supported. Properties will be return as evaluated

For further details see draft2019-09 tests

Draft methods


validate is a complete json-schema validator for your input data. Calling validate will return a list of validation errors for the passed data.

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const errors: JsonError[] = jsonSchema.validate(myData);

Additionally, you can validate a sub-schema and its data. Doing this, the intial schema will be used as rootSchema (for example, to resolve $ref from definitions).

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const errors: JsonError[] = jsonSchema.validate("my-string", { type: "number" });

To prevent some errors when using helper methods with an independent sub-schema, please use compileSchema if it is not retrieved from a draft-method directly (which was compiled by passing it to Draft). Specifically, if the schema contains a $ref you need to use compileSchema. More details in compileSchema.

About type JsonError

In json-schema-library all errors are in the format of a JsonError:

type JsonError = {
    type: "error";
    name: string;
    code: string;
    message: string;
    data?: { [p: string]: any };

In almost all cases, a json-pointer is given on error.data.pointer, which points to the source within data where the error occured.

For more details on how to work with errors, refer to section custom errors.

import { Draft2019, JsonSchema, JsonError } from "json-schema-library";

const myJsonSchema: JsonSchema = {
    type: "object",
    additionalProperties: false

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const errors: JsonError[] = jsonSchema.validate({ name: "my-data" });

        type: "error",
        name: "NoAdditionalPropertiesError",
        code: "no-additional-properties-error",
        message: "Additional property `name` in `#` is not allowed",
        data: { property: "name", properties: [], pointer: "#" }
Example with separate schema
import { Draft2019, JsonSchema, JsonError } from "json-schema-library";

const myJsonSchema: JsonSchema = {
    type: "object",
    additionalProperties: false

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const mySchema = jsonSchema.compileSchema({ type: "number" });
const errors: JsonError[] = jsonSchema.validate("my-string", mySchema);

        type: "error",
        name: "TypeError",
        code: "type-error",
        message: "Expected `my-string` (string) in `#` to be of type `number`",
        data: {
            received: "string",
            expected: "number",
            value: "my-string",
            pointer: "#"


isValid will return true if the given json-data is valid against the json-schema.

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const isValid: boolean = jsonSchema.isValid(myData);


This method is not yet exposed by a draft directly as the API of this is yet unsatisfactory. Nonetheless, this function is in production and can be used reliably.

Optional support for onError helper, which is invoked for each error (after being resolved):

import { Draft2019, JsonError, validateAsync } from "json-schema-library";

const draft = new Draft2019(mySchema);

validateAsync(draft, "", { onError: (err: JsonError) => {}, schema: draft.getSchema() }).then(
    (allErrors: JsonError[]) => {}


getTemplate creates input data from a json-schema that is valid to the schema. Where possible, the json-schema default property will be used to initially setup input data. Otherwise, the first values encountered (enum values, initial values, etc.) are user to build up the json-data.

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const myData = jsonSchema.getTemplate();

Additionally, you can pass input data. getTemplate will then complement any missing values from the schema, while keeping the initial values.

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const myData = jsonSchema.getTemplate({ name: "input-data" });

Note If you are using references in your schema, getTemplate will only resolve the first $ref in each path, ensuring no inifinte data structures are created. In case the limit of 1 $ref resolution is too low, you can modify the value globally one by adjusting the json-schema-library settings:

import { settings } from "json-schema-library";
import { Draft2019, JsonSchema } from 'json-schema-library';

const myJsonSchema: JsonSchema = {
  type: 'object',
  required: ['name', 'option', 'list'],
  properties: {
    name: { type: 'string' },
    option: {
      type: 'string',
      enum: ['first-option', 'second-option']
    list: {
      type: 'array',
      items: {
        type: 'string',
        default: 'new item'
      minItems: 1

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const myData = jsonSchema.getTemplate();

  name: ',
  option: 'first-option',
  list: ['new item']
Example with input data
import { Draft2019, JsonSchema } from "json-schema-library";

const myJsonSchema: JsonSchema = {
    type: "object",
    required: ["name", "option", "list"],
    properties: {
        name: { type: "string" },
        option: {
            type: "string",
            enum: ["first-option", "second-option"]
        list: {
            type: "array",
            items: {
                type: "string",
                default: "new item"
            minItems: 1

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const myData = jsonSchema.getTemplate({ name: "input-data", list: [] });

    name: "input-data",
    option: "first-option",
    list: ["new item"]
Option: extendDefaults

Per default, getTemplate does try to create data that is valid to the json-schema. Example: array-schemas with minItems: 1 will add one item to fullfil the validation criteria. You can use the option and pass { extendDefaults: false } to override this behaviour with a default value:

import { Draft2019 } from "json-schema-library";

const myJsonSchema = {
    type: "array",
    default: [], // if omitted will add an array item
    items: {
        type: "string",
        enum: ["one", "two"]
    minItems: 1 // usually adds an enty, but default states: []

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(myJsonSchema);
const myData = jsonSchema.getTemplate(undefined, undefined, { extendDefaults: false });



each iterates over each data-item (object, array and value) and emits the data-item, schema and location to a callback.

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema);
const myCallback = (schema: JsonSchema, value: unknown, pointer: JsonPointer) => {
    console.log(schema, value, pointer);
jsonSchema.each(myData, myCallback);
import { Draft2019, JsonSchema, JsonPointer } from "json-schema-library";

const mySchema: JsonSchema = {
    type: "array",
    items: [{ type: "number" }, { type: "string" }]

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema);
const calls = [];
const myCallback = (schema: JsonSchema, value: unknown, pointer: JsonPointer) => {
    calls.push({ schema, value, pointer });

jsonSchema.each([5, "nine"], myCallback);

    { schema: mySchema, value: [5, "nine"], pointer: "#" },
    { schema: { type: "number" }, value: 5, pointer: "#/0" },
    { schema: { type: "string" }, value: "nine", pointer: "#/1" }


eachSchema emits each sub-schema definition to a callback.

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema);
const myCallback = (schema: JsonSchema) => {
import { Draft2019, JsonSchema } from "json-schema-library";

const mySchema: JsonSchema = {
    type: "array",
    items: {
        oneOf: [{ type: "number" }, { $ref: "#/$defs/value" }]
    $defs: {
        value: { type: "string" },
        object: { type: "object" }

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema);
const calls = [];
const myCallback = (schema: JsonSchema) => {


    { oneOf: [{ type: "number" }, { $ref: "#/$defs/value" }] },
    { type: "number" },
    { $ref: "#/$defs/value" },
    { type: "string" },
    { type: "object" }


getSchema retrieves the json-schema of a specific location in data. The location in data is given by a json-pointer. In many cases the json-schema can be retrieved without passing any data, but in situations where the schema is dynamic (for example in oneOf, dependencies, etc.), the data is required or will return a JsonError if the location cannot be found.

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema);
let schemaOfName: JsonSchema | JsonError | undefined;
schemaOfName = jsonSchema.getSchema({ pointer: "/list/1/name", data: myData });

Note that getSchema will return undefined for paths that lead to valid properties, but miss a schema definition. For example:

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019({ type: "object" });
let schemaOfName = jsonSchema.getSchema({ pointer: "/name" });
console.log(schemaOfName); // undefined

In case this is unwanted behaviour, use the withSchemaWarning option to return a json-error with code schema-warning instead:

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019({ type: "object" });
let schemaOfName = jsonSchema.getSchema({ pointer: "/name", withSchemaWarning: true });
console.log(schemaOfName); // { type: "error", code: "schema-warning" }
import { Draft2019, JsonSchema, JsonError } from "json-schema-library";

const mySchema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
        list: {
            type: "array",
            items: {
                oneOf: [
                        type: "object",
                        required: ["name"],
                        properties: {
                            name: {
                                type: "string",
                                title: "name of item"
                        type: "object",
                        required: ["description"],
                        properties: {
                            description: {
                                type: "string",
                                title: "description of item"

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema);
let schemaOfItem: JsonSchema | JsonError | undefined;
schemaOfItem = jsonSchema.getSchema({
    pointer: "/list/1",
    data: {
        list: [{ description: "..." }, { name: "my-item" }]

    type: "object",
    required: ["name"],
    properties: {
        name: {
            type: "string",
            title: "name of item"
Evaluating errors

All returned json-errors have a data property with the following properties

  • pointer json-pointer to the location where the error occured. In case of omitted data, this is the last json-schema location that could be resolved
  • schema the json-schema of the last resolved location and the source of the error
  • value the data value at this location that could not be resolved
const schema = jsonSchema.getSchema({ pointer: "/list/1" });
if (isJsonError(schema)) {
    console.log(Object.keys(schema.data)); // [pointer, schema, value]
About JsonPointer

Json-Pointer defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a Json document and is supported by Json-Schema. Given a Json document, it behaves similar to a lodash path (a[0].b.c), which follows JS-syntax, but instead uses / separators (e.g., a/0/b/c). In the end, you describe a path into the Json data to a specific point.


getChildSchemaSelection returns a list of available sub-schemas for the given property. In many cases, a single schema will be returned. For oneOf-schemas, a list of possible options is returned.

This helper always returns a list of schemas.

Note This helper currenly supports a subset of json-schema for multiple results, mainly oneOf-definitions

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema);
const schemas: JsonSchema[] = jsonSchema.getChildSchemaSelection("content", localSchema);
import { Draft2019, JsonSchema } from "json-schema-library";

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019();
const localSchema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
        content: {
            oneOf: [{ type: "string" }, { type: "number" }]

const schemas: JsonSchema[] = jsonSchema.getChildSchemaSelection("content", localSchema);

expect(schemas).to.deep.equal([{ type: "string" }, { type: "number" }]);


step retrieves the json-schema of a child property or index. Using step it is possible to incrementally go through the data, retrieving the schema for each next item.

@todo talk about schemaNode

const draft = new Draft2019(mySchema);
const localSchema = { type: "object", properties: { title: { type: "string" } } };
const localData = { title: "value" };
const { schema } = draft.step(draft.createNode(localSchema), "title", localData);
import { Draft2019, JsonSchema } from "json-schema-library";

const draft = new Draft2019(mySchema);
const localSchema: JsonSchema = {
    oneOf: [
            type: "object",
            properties: { title: { type: "string" } }
            type: "object",
            properties: { title: { type: "number" } }
const localData = { title: 4 };
const { schema } = draft.step(draft.createNode(localSchema), "title", localData);

expect(schema).to.deep.eq({ type: "number" });


addRemoteSchema lets you add additional schemas that can be referenced by an URL using $ref. Use this to combine multiple schemas without changing the actual schema.

Each schemas is referenced by their unique $id (since draft-06, previously id). Usually an $id is specified as an url, for example https://mydomain.com/schema/schema-name or with a file extension like https://mydomain.com/schema/schema-name.json. At least in json-schema-library you can use any name, just ensure the $id is unique across all schemas.

To add a remote schema use the exposed method addRemoteSchema:

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019();

jsonSchema.addRemoteSchema("https://sagold.com/remote", {
    $id: "https://sagold.com/remote",
    title: "A character",
    type: "string",
    minLength: 1,
    maxLength: 1

Note the given url and $id on the root schema should match. If $id is omitted it will be added from the passed url.

To access the remote schema, add a $ref within your local schema

    $id: "https://sagold.com/local",
    type: "object",
    required: ["character"],
    properties: {
        character: {
            $ref: "https://sagold.com/remote"

and the remote schema will be resolved automatically:

jsonSchema.validate({ character: "AB" }); // maxLength error
jsonSchema.getTemplate({}); // { character: "A" } - default value resolved
// returns remote schema (from compiled local schema):

Note the support for $ref resolution has additional complexities, if you add nested $ids to you schema. Here, json-schema-library has only partial support (@see integration test result). Thus, it is recommended to omit the features of changing scopes by nested $ids. For more details, see json-schema.org: Structuring a complex schema

Access local subschemas in remote schemas

You can add a local uri reference to the remote schema by using the # separator. The following example resolves hte local path /$defs/character in the remote schema https://sagold.com/remote throught the combined url: https://sagold.com/remote#/$defs/character

jsonSchema.addRemoteSchema("https://sagold.com/remote", {
    $defs: {
        character: {
            title: "A character",
            type: "string",
            minLength: 1,
            maxLength: 1

    $id: "https://sagold.com/local",
    $ref: "https://sagold.com/remote#/$defs/character"

jsonSchema.validate("AB"); // maxLength error
jsonSchema.getTemplate("A"); // "A" - default value resolved
// returns remote schema (from compiled local schema):

Note json-pointers are not restricted to $defs (definitions), but can reference any subschema. For example:

jsonSchema.addRemoteSchema("https://sagold.com/remote", {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
        character: {
            title: "A character",
            type: "string",
            minLength: 1,
            maxLength: 1

    $id: "https://sagold.com/local",
    $ref: "https://sagold.com/remote#/properties/character"

jsonSchema.validate("AB"); // maxLength error
jsonSchema.getTemplate("A"); // "A" - default value resolved
// returns remote schema (from compiled local schema):


createSchemaOf returns a simple json-schema of the input data.

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema);
const schema: JsonSchema = jsonSchema.createSchemaOf({ title: "initial value" });


compileSchema adds $ref resolution support to a json-schema. Internally, each draft compiles a passed schema on its own, but when passing additional schemas to individual functions, compileSchema has to be called manually for json-schemas containing $ref-references.

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema);
const compiledSchema = jsonSchema.compileSchema({ $ref: "/$defs/table" });
const tableSchema = compiledSchema.getRef();

Note that draft.compileSchema compiles a schema under the current rootSchema. That is, definitions from root schema will be copied to the local schema, to enable $ref resolutions.

Draft extensions

For each draft json-schema-library supports the following custom properties:


For error generation, an attribute patternExample may be set for a pattern validation. Instead of the regular expression, the example will be printed in the error message.


For oneOf resolution, json-schema states that data is valid if it validates against exactly one of those sub-schemas. In some scenarios this is unwanted behaviour, as the actual oneOf schema is known and only validation errors of this exact sub-schema should be returned.

For an explicit oneOf resolution, the json-schema may be extended by a property oneOfProperty. This will always associate an entry with a matching value (instead of schema validation) and return only this schema or validation errors, depending on the current task. For example:

const schema = {
    oneOfProperty: "id",
    oneOf: [
            type: "object",
            properties: { id: { const: "1" }, title: { type: "number" } }
            type: "object",
            properties: { id: { const: "2" }, title: { type: "number" } }
            type: "object",
            properties: { id: { const: "3" }, title: { type: "number" } }

const resolvedSchema = jsonSchema.resolveOneOf({ id: "2", title: "not a number" }, schema);

// will always return (even if invalid)
    type: "object",
    properties: { id: { const: "2" }, title: { type: "number" } }

Draft customization

getTemplate default options | custom resolvers | custom validators | custom errors

Each Draft in json-schema-library is build around a DraftConfig. A DraftConfig holds all functions and configurations for each json-schema drafts. The DraftConfig is your main way to alter or extend behaviour for json-schema-library. You can either create your own draftConfig or adjust any existing draftConfig. For the current drafts (4-7), each draftConfig is exposed along with its actual class. For example:

import { Draft, Draft2019, draft2019Config } from "json-schema-library";
// the following calls are identical:
new Draft(draft2019Config, mySchema);
new Draft2019(mySchema, draft2019Config);
new Draft2019(mySchema, {});
new Draft2019(mySchema);

All draft configurations for specific Draft classes accept a partial configuration that lets you overwrite default behaviour:

replace the strict resolveOneOf behaviour to use fuzzy search instead:

import { Draft2019, draft2019Config, resolveOneOfFuzzy } from "json-schema-library";
// the following calls are identical:
new Draft2019(mySchema, { resolveOneOf: resolveOneOfFuzzy });
new Draft({ ...draft2019Config, resolveOneOf: resolveOneOfFuzzy }, mySchema);

getTemplate default options

With version 8 json-schema-library has changed getTemplate to only add required properties per default. This can be changed on draft initialization, by passing templateDefaultOptions in the draftConfig:

const draft = new Draft(schema, {
    templateDefaultOptions: {
        addOptionalProps: true

Note You can still pass options to getTemplate overriding the draft default settings by:

const data = draft.getTemplate({}, draft.getSchema(), {
    addOptionalProps: true

custom resolvers

A resolver is a simple method implementing a specific feature of json-schema to retrieve a sub-schema. Implementing the signature of each resolver you can create and pass your own resolvers.

resolveRef with merge

Until draft07 json-schema behaviour for $ref resolution is to replace the schema where a $ref is defined. Since draft2019-09 $ref resolution merges the resolved schema, which can be used to add context-specific information (e.g., a specific title). To add this behaviour to older drafts, a $ref-resolver is exposed by json-schema-library:

import { Draft2019, resolveRef } from "json-schema-library";
const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema, { resolveRef });

resolveRef performs a shallow merge (first level of properties), adding the local schemas properties last. The ref-resolver for draft07 and below is exported as resolveRefStrict.

import { Draft07, resolveRef } from "json-schema-library";
const mySchema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
        subHeader: {
            $ref: "#/$defs/header",
            title: "sub header"
    $defs: {
        header: {
            title: "header",
            type: "string"

const jsonSchema = new Draft07(mySchema, { resolveRef });
const subHeaderSchema = jsonSchema.getSchema("#/subHeader");

    title: "sub header",
    type: "string"

resolveOneOf fuzzy search

The default json-schema behaviour for oneOf resolution is to validate all contained oneOf-schemas and return the one schema that validates against the given input data. If no item validates completely an error returned, containing all validation errors of all schemas. When you are interested in the actual error (rather than simply determining “Is the data is valid or not?”), this is behaviour is not very helpful as the result is hard to read.

json-schema-library exposes a method resolveOneOfFuzzy, which will return a single schema in cases where no valid schema could be resolved. resolveOneOfFuzzy uses a simple scoring mechanism to return the best fitting schema for the given input data. Thus, resolveOneOfFuzzy may return schemas that do not validate a given input data.

import { Draft2019, resolveOneOfFuzzy } from "json-schema-library";
const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema, { resolveOneOf: resolveOneOfFuzzy });

custom validators

All json-schema validation is done using validator functions for keywords and formats.

keyword validators are called for each keyword defined on a json-schema. For example, the following schema will run two keyword-validators (one for items and one of minItems) which are defined in draft.validateKeyword.items and draft.validateKeyword.minItems.

{ type: "object", items: {}, minItems: 1 }

Since valid json-schema keywords vary by their type an additional mapping registers, which keyword should be tested per schema-type. This mapping is defined in draft.typeKeywords:

import { draft2019Config } from "json-schema-library";

// ["enum", "contains", "items", "minItems", "maxItems", "uniqueItems", "not", "if"];

The keyword format is also registered in draft.validateKeyword.format, but each actual format validation is defined as follows:

format validators are called on each occurrence of a property format in a json-schema. In the next example, the schema will run the email-validator given in draft.validateFormat.email:

{ type: "string", format: "email" }

add custom keyword validator

To add or overwrite a keyword validator, you must add a validator function on your draft config in validateKeyword.

Using specific Draft configuration, where draft configuration objects will be merged:

import { Draft2019, draft2019Config, JsonValidator } from "json-schema-library";

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema, {
    validateKeyword: {
        customKeyword: myCustomKeywordValidator as JsonValidator
    // in case for new keywords, or if keyword should be supported on other types
    // add keyword-name to typeKeywords
    typeKeywords: {
        object: draft2019Config.typeKeywords.object.concat("customKeyword")

Example: Manually extending draft configuration:

import { Draft, draft2019Config, JsonValidator } from "json-schema-library";

const myDraftConfiguration = {
    validateKeyword: {
        customKeyword: myCustomKeywordValidator as JsonValidator
    // in case for new keywords, or if keyword should be supported on other types
    // add keyword-name to typeKeywords
    typeKeywords: {
        object: draft2019Config.typeKeywords.object.concat("customKeyword")

const jsonSchema = new Draft(myDraftConfiguration, mySchema);

add custom format validator

To add or overwrite a format validator you must add a validator function on your draft config in validateFormat.

import { Draft2019, JsonValidator } from "json-schema-library";

const jsonSchema = new Draft2019(mySchema, {
    validateFormat: {
        customFormat: myCustomFormatValidator as JsonValidator

custom errors

json-schema-library exposes available errors on its draft configurations on DraftConfig.errors and uses a global configuration config.strings for error messages. Both can be extended or modified.

import { draft2019Config, createCustomError, config } from "json-schema-library";

// (data: { pointer: JsonPointer } & Record<string, unknown>) => JsonError

// "Expected given value `{{value}}` in `{{pointer}}` to be one of `{{values}}`"

Each error message in config.strings receives the data-property of an error. These properties can be referenced in handlebars brackets and will be replaced automatically. To demonstrate the behaviour:

import { render } from "json-schema-library";

render("Expected given value `{{value}}` in `{{pointer}}` to be one of `{{values}}`", {
    pointer: "[A]",
    value: "[B]"
// "Expected given value `[B]` in `[A]` to be one of ``"

customize error messages

import { config } from "json-schema-library";

config.strings.EnumError = "Invalid enum value {{value}} in {{pointer}}`";

customize errors

import { draft2019Config, ErrorData, JsonError } from "json-schema-library";

draft2019Config.errors.EnumError = (data: ErrorData): JsonError => {
    return {
        type: "error",
        code: "my-error",
        name: "MyError",
        message: `something went wrong at ${data.pointer}`,

create errors

import { createError } from "json-schema-library";
// will use the string from `config.strings.EnumError` as message
const error: JsonError = createError("EnumError", { data: { pointer: "#/location" } });

Breaking Changes


With version v10.0.0 draft 2019-09 is supported and can be used with import { Draft2019 } from "json-schema-library"; Note that older drafts are now resolving all official test cases, especially remaining ref-resolution issues.

breaking changes:

Draft 2019-09 requires collection of previous resolved sub-schemas. Thus, an additional type SchemaNode had to be introduced, which is used in almost all draft methods defined for draft-configs. The api in draft-instances mostly stayed the same with the following exceptions:

  • step and resolvers work on and return a schemaNode, containing the requested schema


breaking changes:

  • getSchema signature changed in favour of an options object. Instead of draft.getSchema(pointer, data) arguments have to be passed as an object draft.getSchema({ pointer, data }). This removes setting unwanted optional arguments and keeps the api more stable in the future (e.g. withSchemaWarning option)
  • JsonError now must expose pointer, schema and value consistently on data property


  • getSchema consistently returns errors and can return errors for empty schema using withSchemaWarning option


With version v8.0.0, getTemplate was improved to better support optional properties and utilize existing core logic, making it more reliable. Breaking changes:

  • Renamed JSONError to JsonError and JSONSchema to JsonSchema
  • getTemplate only adds required properties. Behaviour can be changed by getTemplate default options
  • Internal schema property oneOfSchema has been replaced by schema.getOneOfOrigin()
  • Changed unique-items-error to point to error for duplicated item and changed data-properties
  • Removed SchemaService as it was no longer used nor tested
Exposed new helper functions
  • mergeSchema - Merges to two json schema
  • reduceSchema - Reduce schema by merging dynamic constructs into a static json schema omitting those properties
  • isDynamicSchema - Returns true if the passed schema contains dynamic properties (if, dependencies, allOf, etc)
  • resolveDynamicSchema - Resolves all dynamic schema definitions for the given input data and returns the resulting json-schema without any dynamic schema definitions.


With version v7.0.0, library export and Draft API has changed heavily. The API is now more consistent across draft-versions and offers a simple and consistent configuration interface for existing and custom drafts. In addition, most standalone functions are no longer exposed separately, but under its current draftConfigs and mainly on each draft-instance. This will help to reduce confusion when consuming this API.

The above documentation reflects all these changes. Just reach out if you have troubles migrating to the latest version.

Details of breaking changes
  • replaced Core interface by new Draft interface
  • changed export of Interface to Draft
  • renamed addSchema to addRemoteSchema
  • changed API of compileSchema to have an additional schema-parameter for rootSchema reference
  • changed compileSchema and addRemoteSchema to work on instance state, instead of global state
  • addRemoteSchema, compileSchema now requires draft instance as first parameter
  • removed direct export of following functions: addValidator, compileSchema, createSchemaOf, each, eachSchema, getChildSchemaSelection, getSchema, getTemplate, isValid, step, validate. They are still accessible under the draftConfigs of each draft-version
  • changed draft version of JsonEditor to draft07


With version v6.0.0 supported json schema drafts are exported directly as Draft04, Draft06, Draft07. Example use: import { Draft07 } from "json-schema-library".


With version v5.0.0 the API has changed to es6 modules, where there is no default export, only named exports. Additionally all code has been rewritten in TypeScript. When directly accessing files, switch to dist/module/*.js-files for plain js-modules.


With version v4.0.0 the API has changed in order to use the defined (root) schema in draft as default where possible. This means most methods have a changed signature, where data is passed before an optional schema argument.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Sascha Goldhofer
  • released 11/12/2022
