
json-schema-diff-validator ==========================


This package allows comparision of two versions of schema file and detect any breaking change. The new version is considered as non-backward compatible when

  • a new node with minimum requirement is added.
  • when a node is removed.
  • when a node is replaced.


npm install json-schema-diff-validator -g
json-schema-diff-validator oldschema.json newschema.json

This will return with exit code 0 if there is no breaking change. Throws an exception if there is a breaking change

Error: The schema is not backward compatible. Difference include breaking change =

To use it in code

 const difftool = require('json-schema-diff-validator')
 #to validate files
 #to validate json objects
 difftool.validateSchemaCompatibility(oldjson , newjson)

Supported options:

  • allowNewOneOf - new oneOf/anyOf items are considered a backwards compatible change (false by default)
  • allowNewEnumValues - new enum values are considered a backwards compatible change (false by default)
  • allowReorder - reordering of anyOf items are considered a backwards compatible change (false by default)
npm i json-schema-diff-validator

