
JSON RPC 2.0 Errors.
json rpc error

JSON RPC 2.0 Error

Error constructors for JSON RPC 2.0 errors as described in the [JSON-RPC 2.0 Error Specification] (http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#error_object)

code message meaning
-32700 Parse error Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.
-32600 Invalid Request The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.
-32601 Method not found The method does not exist / is not available.
-32602 Invalid params Invalid method parameter(s).
-32603 Internal error Internal JSON-RPC error.
-32000 to -32099 Server error Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors.

Specific errors are instances of the base constructor JsonRpcError, which in turn is an instance of the native JavaScript Error object.

Each error can be constructed with or without the new keyword, for example

var err = new JsonRpcError.ParseError();

is the same as

var err = JsonRpcError.ParseError();

Also see related packages json-rpc-response, json-rpc-request, and json-rpc-notification


Import the JSON RPC 2.0 error module:

var JsonRpcError = require('json-rpc-error');


General base constructor for JSON RPC 2 errors:

new JsonRpcError(message, code[, data]);

Parse error

Invalid JSON was received by the server.

new JsonRpcError.ParseError();

Invalid Request

The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.

new JsonRpcError.InvalidRequest();

Method not found

The method does not exist / is not available.

new JsonRpcError.MethodNotFound();

Invalid params

Invalid method parameter(s).

new JsonRpcError.InvalidParams();

Internal error

Internal JSON-RPC error. The constructor can take an optional error object, in which case the error's message property will be passed on.

new JsonRpcError.InternalError([error]);

Server Error

Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors. Provided error code must be in the range -32000 to -32099.

new JsonRpcError.ServerError(code);


Run unit tests:

$ npm test

Create test coverage report:

$ npm run-script test-cov



npm i json-rpc-error


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Claudijo Borovic
  • released 7/30/2015

